"The Joule Supercomputer costs tens of millions of dollars to build, with 84,000 CPU cores spread over dozens of racks, and it consumes 450 kilowatts of power.
"In this demo, the Joule Supercomputer used 16,384 cores, and the Cerebras computer was 200 times faster, according to energy lab director Brian Anderson. Cerebras costs several million dollars and uses 20 kilowatts of power."
Orders of magnitude faster, cheaper, and more energy efficient. Damn.
"In this demo, the Joule Supercomputer used 16,384 cores, and the Cerebras computer was 200 times faster, according to energy lab director Brian Anderson. Cerebras costs several million dollars and uses 20 kilowatts of power."
Orders of magnitude faster, cheaper, and more energy efficient. Damn.