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New Codependency
I know my daughter's crazy. But she's the level crazy that you can occasionally handle. She's beautiful. She looks like a pixie. She's 25 years old and can pass for 16.

But she's nuts. No other guy will put up with her. But he will. Codependency. She nurses him through his various issues and he loves her for it. He occasionally calls her horrible names though during his psychopathic episodes.

We can't trust him not to be safe. He will occasionally be physically violent. She tells us not to react. But we have no choice. We can't take him down when he's being violent according to her. So this creates animosity on all sides.
New Well there's your problem
You don't have a crazy boyfriend problem. You have a crazy daughter problem. Fix that and the boyfriend thing probably takes care of itself.

New Hehehehahaha
Crazy daughter problems are not fixable. They are merely put up withable. Because there is no choice.
New Maybe get her a puppy with a medical issue
Something to take care of that will love her back.

New She's got a psychotic Norwegian cat
A couple of years ago her cat died. So she went out to get a new cat and I asked her to get a Russian blue. I found out that I'm not allergic to Russian blues.

Six months later it was my cat. I was the only one who had the patience for it. It was a paranoid outdoor cat and everything was a threat. Now it's my best buddy.

She was pissed that I stole her cat. There was an outdoor cat that just gave birth to a litter. Very very fuzzy. just based on looks we are assuming Norwegian Forest cat or something along those lines. She stole one of the kittens. she brought it inside and then took it to the vet and did everything you should do with a cat. The mother cat screamed at our doorway for months.

now I experience her cat as I pass it in the hall or hang out with it occasionally. This cat will play fetch. This cat has a lot of energy. This cat will smash into you to get cuddles. This cat will also open its belly in the hopes that it'll suck at you into getting clawed. I taught her that did not work with me. But she still does it to everyone else.

So anyway, she's got her substitute and it's not enough.
New Cats aren't pets, they're unemployed roommates

     So let me tell you about crazy - (crazy) - (12)
         That sucks hard - (drook) - (6)
             Codependency - (crazy) - (5)
                 Well there's your problem - (drook) - (4)
                     Hehehehahaha - (crazy) - (3)
                         Maybe get her a puppy with a medical issue - (drook) - (2)
                             She's got a psychotic Norwegian cat - (crazy) - (1)
                                 Cats aren't pets, they're unemployed roommates -NT - (drook)
         Let me add, I'm in an old man, I haven't been in a fight since high school - (crazy) - (2)
             Take up boxing. Or possibly some other martial art. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Not happening - (crazy)
         man, sorry to hear it, maybe he will OD when you are not looking -NT - (boxley)
         :-( - (Another Scott)

If the enemy is in range, so are you.
272 ms