Could there be a pattern here?
I posit that Muricans relish being snookered, more than any other identifiable group.
HL Mencken - beloved Curmudgeon who mainly pointed out our absurdities. P.T. Barnum - the suckers never slowed, even after being ID'd. W.C. Fields.. no philanthrope he. Geritol, Hadacol ... Pet Rocks, $500 speaker cables (!) made with OFHC copper + snake oil, Hum-Vees and on and on
Now Billy. (Bally may not yet be recognized by many, less'n that video clip runs after, As the World Churns, for a week or so.)
If his strategy is some facsimile of what has been suggested and.. he stays out of jail for contempt of court.. and proceeds to screw everyone in all orifices, over next x-years:
He'll be Gigantic Murican Hero.. all while possessing none of the talent, charisma or even a fraction of the sheer intellectual joy (of an H.L.M., say) - of any of these giants of bamboozling (or reporters thereof).
Is there any better explanation of the ongoing idiocy,
(while Wall St. reports ~ $2B thus far and ongoing - for Code Red wasted labor AND even - this time! - mentions IIS as the Achilles heel of it all..) Yet .. a million or so may well buy into XP, right away?
better than that:
Muricans just love to get screwed - and the More the screwing: the More they admire... *love* the screwer!
All reasonable alternatives will be considered,