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New Yes, the polls are still bad.
But I'm not sure about the rest.

It's still too hard for too many to vote. Donnie's monsters are still messing with the USPS and fighting a full count.

Other things can be fixed with sensible leadership. I'm not sure how polling can be fixed when people won't answer the phone for numbers they don't recognize.

I expect the numbers to get better for Team D as the counting continues. But it is very disappointing that with the choice so very stark that so many still chose the other team.

It goes to show that it's going to be a long slog and will continue to be difficult to push the country forward. We have to fight them every single day.

New Practically every comment I've hear about Biden . . .
. . (except from professional commentators) is, "Biden's not what I wanted, but I'm going to vote for him anyway". The Democrats ran a totally uninteresting candidate against a maniac. Result as noted.

This is certainly not the first time they've done this (though the opponents weren't maniacs then).

And in the other races - Democrats, "Oh we have to be nice to the Republicans, we'll have to work with them". No you won't.
New Re: Working with them ...
If Biden wins, whether he gets the Senate or not, I hope he's got a stack of presidential orders and a fresh pen waiting on his desk after he's sworn in. Undo all the stupid orders Trump signed - the ones that actually mean anything, that is - and appoint "interim" heads of every damn thing in sight. Don't even ask for Senate approval

Then for some real hardball, identify every R senator and congressman who participated in Trump's many crimes and appoint special prosecutors. See how many of them can get some jail time.

New Hope he doesn't take his lead from Obama, IOW.

It's mourning in America again.
New Yes

     Well, these things we know for certain. - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
         Yes, the polls are still bad. - (Another Scott) - (4)
             Practically every comment I've hear about Biden . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                 Re: Working with them ... - (drook) - (2)
                     Hope he doesn't take his lead from Obama, IOW. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                         Yes -NT - (drook)

For the time being, let's leave him in the infirmary with a defenseless female half-wit with no survival instincts.
48 ms