Post #435,768
8/19/20 7:23:07 PM
8/19/20 7:38:40 PM
Trump campaign emails.
My brother Ron gets at least 5 campaign emails a day from the Trump organization. Every one headlines a huge lie, and the rest of the email (above the buttons to click to donate) consists of big and small lies.
I dutifully set these aside in a folder for Ron to pick up, but he hasn't picked up his emails since he died 11 years ago - perhaps there's no Internet access from the Afterlife? Sad. **
The very latest claim is that Kamala Harris is no moderate, but "More Liberal than Bernie Sanders!".
If this gets around, maybe it'll bring out the Bernie Boys to vote!
** Actually, my brother never used the Internet when he was alive, so it's not surprising he isn't picking up his emails.
Post #435,776
8/20/20 8:50:06 AM
8/20/20 8:50:06 AM
That's not the worst.
The worst is all the "She's not Black!!!!!!11!1!ONE!" and Birther Nonsense Redux™ spewing forth from the usual suspects.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,778
8/20/20 9:26:24 AM
8/20/20 9:26:24 AM
Here's the worst, at least currently
Don't go here unless you have a strong stomach. used to catch up on Drudge to see what the crazies were thinking (and yes I know what my handle is, there are many types of crazy). Then I realized that Drudge barely scratched the surface and let's find an additional crazy news outlet. This particular website is incredibly clean feed with commentary. They carve out the articles to the core tweet and their front end page, and then you get to see what they are really thinking about it. The link title is often an inflammatory: yay go beat the crap out of the protesters, here's a link.
Post #435,780
8/20/20 10:12:14 AM
8/20/20 10:12:14 AM
I don't want that in my history
I viewed a page about a cool fire pit a couple weeks ago and since then I've probably seen several hundred ads for it.
Post #435,782
8/20/20 10:19:53 AM
8/20/20 10:19:53 AM
Click on all the ads
The Trump/etc ads that is, and especially the bad ones. Gives them erroneous feedback for their selection algorithms for new ads, and it costs them money.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #435,869
8/21/20 4:01:25 PM
8/21/20 4:01:25 PM
You Debbil!, you ..must give this a shot. Hit the mofos in Wallet, where they live.
Post #435,781
8/20/20 10:18:32 AM
8/20/20 10:18:32 AM
AP Story linked at the site.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,794
8/20/20 1:57:42 PM
8/20/20 1:57:42 PM
Bannon arrested by the USPS at sea this morning. Something something karma something something.
Post #435,800
8/20/20 2:33:09 PM
8/20/20 2:33:09 PM
He was arrested by who now?
Post #435,806
8/20/20 3:04:20 PM
8/20/20 3:04:20 PM
Postal police hehehebebeebheheheh
Post #435,828
8/20/20 5:59:34 PM
8/20/20 5:59:34 PM
Yes! :)
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #435,861
8/21/20 12:13:52 PM
8/21/20 12:13:52 PM
I just saw ... it *really was* the USPS, that's not a typo
On the one hand, that's hilarious. Best quote: "You come after my sorters, I come after your campaign manager." On the other hand, why TF does the Post Office have its own police force? Oh, this is why.