Well at least the control panel and CPU board. That included laying out and etching the circuit cards and soldering on chip sockets. The CPU board had Z-80 processor and the EPROM with a "borrowed" 4 KB BASIC interpreter and what is in effect a BIOS. As I recall, besides the S-100 board which has nothing but connectors, I bought an 8 KB memory card and a display card which attached to a TV.
The control board had umpteen switches for setting up addresses and loading data into memory. It was possible to step through one CPU instruction at a time. Also, I had circuitry to write and read data to an audio tape recorder.
Biggest problem was it was extremely noisy RF wise. You could not watch a TV anywhere in the house.
I bought a TR-80 and retired the S-100. But, I even modified the TRS-80 so it could display lower case characters.
The control board had umpteen switches for setting up addresses and loading data into memory. It was possible to step through one CPU instruction at a time. Also, I had circuitry to write and read data to an audio tape recorder.
Biggest problem was it was extremely noisy RF wise. You could not watch a TV anywhere in the house.
I bought a TR-80 and retired the S-100. But, I even modified the TRS-80 so it could display lower case characters.