17 months of intensive work, much of it at a "full time" rate, but the 4950 pages of clovegarden.com have been updated to html5 and css3, every one examined and approved by the w3c verifier (new version in testing, and a lot fussier than the old one). "Shelter in Place" was very helpful in getting all this finished.
Also, since we changed phone services, T forced me to get a real "smart phone", which came in very handy to make sure everything displays well on mobile devices - well, if they are Android and held horizontal anyway. I don't know how they do on i(anything) and am not anxious to spend the money to find out. I'll wait for COVID-19 to be over so I can view them on somebody else's i(something).
My adjustments for mobile were just in time. Two weeks ago Google sent me a message saying my Web site had been transferred to their new (in development) "Mobile First" search spider. They had less than two weeks of results, but my site showed no errors, very few minor problems, and trending rapidly to fewer.
Fortunately, there is no html6 coming soon, nor css4. Both html5 and css3 are now considered "living standards" with some fancy new stuff being added to a stable base. "html6" is just a code for stuff being proposed, none of which which concerns my pages at this time.
Now I'm locating orphan recipes that are not in the indexes. This was formerly an impossible task, but is now dead easy. If the first line says anything more than
!DOCTYPE HTML, it's an orphan. About 1/4 of the ones I've found were so complete and with photos, I could just finish them up and index them. The rest go into my "devel" index to be finished as time permits.
Now, with most of my few remaining clients in "Shelter in Place" mode, I can get around to things like home repairs and property management.
I did have to go see a client today though, to install a dual monitor video card. She's working from home and anxious to have two monitors like she had in the office.
Also, since we changed phone services, T forced me to get a real "smart phone", which came in very handy to make sure everything displays well on mobile devices - well, if they are Android and held horizontal anyway. I don't know how they do on i(anything) and am not anxious to spend the money to find out. I'll wait for COVID-19 to be over so I can view them on somebody else's i(something).
My adjustments for mobile were just in time. Two weeks ago Google sent me a message saying my Web site had been transferred to their new (in development) "Mobile First" search spider. They had less than two weeks of results, but my site showed no errors, very few minor problems, and trending rapidly to fewer.
Fortunately, there is no html6 coming soon, nor css4. Both html5 and css3 are now considered "living standards" with some fancy new stuff being added to a stable base. "html6" is just a code for stuff being proposed, none of which which concerns my pages at this time.
Now I'm locating orphan recipes that are not in the indexes. This was formerly an impossible task, but is now dead easy. If the first line says anything more than
!DOCTYPE HTML, it's an orphan. About 1/4 of the ones I've found were so complete and with photos, I could just finish them up and index them. The rest go into my "devel" index to be finished as time permits.
Now, with most of my few remaining clients in "Shelter in Place" mode, I can get around to things like home repairs and property management.
I did have to go see a client today though, to install a dual monitor video card. She's working from home and anxious to have two monitors like she had in the office.