Wayback: I resolved never-to conflate 'Nazi'- and 'Germans', lest I become indistinguishable from (say, pre-DJT Trumpists) not-to-mention:
finding space re My Gramma's™ Bircher-affliction. This quite before the Major US-ian Lesson of South Pacific's guaranteed-Immortal song,
You've Got to be Carefully Taught--to Hate.
(It's arguable that *everyone* Has? an "Inner-Nazi")--stored in the Reptile-brain, ever-ready to uncoil.. But my experience suggests that:
I'd be Shocked to find an Honest-Person® claiming ignorance of the query, absence of the Curse of ever acting-from that PIt.
By now-2020 very much more is known--and accessible--of the ugly consequence of ever-immersing in that mind-set via the New-Tech(!)
as so obviously foments its bubbling-up into mobs of Orange-Shirts w/ Tiki-torches: replaying the entire grisly scenario,
clearly inextricably-within the diseased-Id of their Dear Leader.
I believe that this execrable-Condition manifests within every DJT-er extant--all one needs to confirm this is:
These [actual? 'untermensch'] have been following-along the near-exact steps /thence stages of Herr Schickelgrüber-Himself, Il Duce et alia.
[Herr S. is said to have learned a Lot from his Southern-doppelganger, an assertion now incapable of being Fact-checked to any Fare-thee-well]
Throw-in the 1918-ish Plague and the Fact of a tiny-balance-tip in November:
I-no-Words to describe the admixture of shame (as could not possibly be neutralized during my existence here) at dwelling amidst a near-Plurality!
of such as possess neither historical awareness nor any capability of shedding their, 'I Don't Care!' excuse
--for remaing proud of their Ignorance. My inner-Nazi shrieks: Up Against The Wall!
And Truthiness in her pretty blue dress ... remains mute. 160 DAYS to denouement (plus whatever Repo-Vote-terrorism adds?)
finding space re My Gramma's™ Bircher-affliction. This quite before the Major US-ian Lesson of South Pacific's guaranteed-Immortal song,
You've Got to be Carefully Taught--to Hate.
(It's arguable that *everyone* Has? an "Inner-Nazi")--stored in the Reptile-brain, ever-ready to uncoil.. But my experience suggests that:
I'd be Shocked to find an Honest-Person® claiming ignorance of the query, absence of the Curse of ever acting-from that PIt.
By now-2020 very much more is known--and accessible--of the ugly consequence of ever-immersing in that mind-set via the New-Tech(!)
as so obviously foments its bubbling-up into mobs of Orange-Shirts w/ Tiki-torches: replaying the entire grisly scenario,
clearly inextricably-within the diseased-Id of their Dear Leader.
I believe that this execrable-Condition manifests within every DJT-er extant--all one needs to confirm this is:
These [actual? 'untermensch'] have been following-along the near-exact steps /thence stages of Herr Schickelgrüber-Himself, Il Duce et alia.
[Herr S. is said to have learned a Lot from his Southern-doppelganger, an assertion now incapable of being Fact-checked to any Fare-thee-well]
Throw-in the 1918-ish Plague and the Fact of a tiny-balance-tip in November:
I-no-Words to describe the admixture of shame (as could not possibly be neutralized during my existence here) at dwelling amidst a near-Plurality!
of such as possess neither historical awareness nor any capability of shedding their, 'I Don't Care!' excuse
--for remaing proud of their Ignorance. My inner-Nazi shrieks: Up Against The Wall!
And Truthiness in her pretty blue dress ... remains mute. 160 DAYS to denouement (plus whatever Repo-Vote-terrorism adds?)