Sure it did--if you simply followed the, even-*animated* [Click Here] box, Box:
Herewith the impressive Numbers as validate the earned sobriquet--for the leery Lass's logical-lapse,
just below Wiki-version:
{Click Here] ;^>
Welcome! to our (ever enlarging)-Group of, glancers-at..
We look; often we do not see--only rarely do we See ..fully (The very-mantra of TMI-overload?)
$$$-150-Grand!! ..to defend against a cockamamie /easily-trashed Case, as meant--
A) feeds the Lawyers-are-Slime mantra, one-more-Time
B) Teaches Barbra most-effectively, that in any next: 'R.T.P.' for consequences
before speed-dialing an A-hole Atty (who DIDN'T warn her that) She Would Lose--so as to guarantee His unconscionable stipend.
It's a doG-eats-God world out there.