Cuomo manifests as a Didactic..(unless Meeja just focusses upon him/alone? unclear if there's a participating audience thus Q&A: both possible and with multiple speakers). To me he's too-close for comfort in style--to The Menace's; we don't get to hear the valuable exchanges and feedback from--in CA: mostly competent--the many POVs on ecah of the critical aspects of the entire clusterfuck range/locally and nationally.
So I give him a C-; at least he doesn't make Model-sex innuendo (as in DJTs obvious: kindergarten-grade jibe re 'Models' (of virus action) wherewith he wallows in his Sexpertise (or $$-pertise?) magnet for arm candy ..wherever he can find a way to unwrap-it). tl;dr--no colloquy? with Cuomo it's a Dictat, innit. Newsom appears to moi to exemplify ~how Best is this sort of Info exchanged -vs- "Here's what I'm doing/Want Done" Love It or leave-me-alone.
So I give him a C-; at least he doesn't make Model-sex innuendo (as in DJTs obvious: kindergarten-grade jibe re 'Models' (of virus action) wherewith he wallows in his Sexpertise (or $$-pertise?) magnet for arm candy ..wherever he can find a way to unwrap-it). tl;dr--no colloquy? with Cuomo it's a Dictat, innit. Newsom appears to moi to exemplify ~how Best is this sort of Info exchanged -vs- "Here's what I'm doing/Want Done" Love It or leave-me-alone.