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New Sounds like corruption someplace
You mentioned 30k items on the laptop. I take it that is a POP3 setup?

Missing mail is usually due to the mailbox file becoming too large, index files getting out-of-sync, or outright filesystem corruption. The first two are on the application, the last one largely on the OS and underlying filesystem.

Rejected passwords are usually due to issues on the server side. Comcast does it to us every few months. But I'm not familiar enough with Apple Mail to rule out an interaction with other issues.

You can check for filesystem trouble with the Disk Utility or fsck from single user mode.

The link is an old-ish article on repairing mail file indexes. YMMV as it sounds like you may not even be able to get to the menu.
New Many Thanks
Al Punte again kiss-on cheek (Manly, of course)

Negotiating with local wizard re. doing a Remote or schlepping-in the kit, when he returns to his lair. Meanwhile shall peep your link. A little aid from Cthulhu + maybe some hints there and maybe even-moi might get lucky.

I plan to 'trade' The Tip (re something-fuzzy? via corrupted(?) Something in the Always-on module in main P.S.)
He seems to give a sorta $$-break when a one is ackshully on-same-page ..in this arcanery; Ego rulez amidst boffins, I wot. (Though that tip didn't cure this glitch.
     "New viewer window" (in Mail, of course) - (Ashton) - (8)
         Sounds like corruption someplace - (scoenye) - (1)
             Many Thanks - (Ashton)
         Zombies!! [rilly..] Power failure o'nite --> - (Ashton) - (5)
             Ugh. - (scoenye) - (4)
                 S-mode.. - (Ashton) - (3)
                     Only if you absolutely do not need it anymore - (scoenye) - (2)
                         Done. - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Sent - (scoenye)

Those Pacific Island natives that have never met an outsider, and don't know about the outside world at all called. They said, "No shit, Sherlock."
99 ms