Despite my earlier post about "holding my nose and voting for the Senator from MBNA", I'm genuinely afraid that Trump stands a better than 50% chance of winning re-election no matter who is the Democratic nominee. I'm not speaking of the popular vote, of course. I'm of two minds: on the one hand, I think Americans are, in general, too stupid and too well fed on decades and decades of "Socialism is bad" propaganda to accept, let alone overtly support, fundamental changes, so I'm reluctant to support Bernie this go 'round. On the other, if we nominate a pro-corporate, pro-bankster, pro-health insurance industry, status quo candidate again this time, we're looking down the barrel of another 2016 disaster. Nothwithstanding the fact that I believe we'll see a repeat in the voting pattern of Bernie supporters who turned out in greater number for Hillary than former Hillary supporters turned out for Obama.