...were screaming about how the coming Ice Age would kill us all, and now it's Global Warming. Both sets of predictions can't have been true at the same time.
b) What's the time horizon on the predictions they're touting as correct? Probably not all from the actual 1970s, so mostly decidedly less than 50 years?
The findings confirm that since as early as 1970, climate scientists have had a solid fundamental understanding of the Earth’s climate system...Making that judgment presupposes that they now have a complete understanding of the system. How are they going to prove that?
Since climate models have accurately anticipated global temperature changes so far, we can expect projections of future warming to be reliable as well.a) Predictions can happen to be correct, for a while, even though they're based on a flawed model. Usually, though, after a while they aren't correct any more.
b) What's the time horizon on the predictions they're touting as correct? Probably not all from the actual 1970s, so mostly decidedly less than 50 years?