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New I know this about gas
Don't fuck with it. It wants to kill you, and it's good at it.
New Well, ...
You get to be my age, you lead my life and your death wish gets pretty strong.

I also personally work on the airplane that I fly. ;0)

It's mourning in America again.
New Believe that's called, "Eating your own dog-food" (?) :-þ
During my Saab-era, my mechanic was also-too: an aircraft mechanic.. there's no such Thing as "over-qualified" where brainz must be employed. (Had I my own aeroplane, I'd have meant to acquire similar chops; after all, it's just another internal-combustion device--only the possibilities of error are: 3-D {always stay a little-afraid..} rather than 2-D).

tl;dr ... (Moi Wants aircraft-grade folk! workin on my stuff; alas, Loren's no longer available.)

Sample: Loren + I tracked down an intermittent Starter condition: some yahoo had installed an after-market 'security' thingumbob which operated via the necessity of a slide-in tiny card (usual 'lectronic-size pieces within). It was IN SERIES-with the heftier than normal line to the starter solenoid. And the installer had used the smaller-size wiring--all the way down--ergo: the solenoid, instead of forcefully whacking its designed hi-current repository ... just sorta slid-in. As in Duh. Replace wire/shit-can the device; forget installing that spare starter motor+solenoid. A shop, I wot: would just have done the swap; it'd work OK for awhile ... again. (We both copped to the problem, just seeing the skinny wiring.)

This damn clusterfuck had nearly left me stuck in a parking lot--at near 32F--in Flagstaff late one dreary wet evening. Planning a Heads-Up to the gadget's non-engineering dept was next, a FAIL:
out-of-Business. er, QED.
New +7 ..that's a good overall-Koan for lots of 'matters' :-)
.. like say: hooking up your emergency AC-generator, filled with dead-dinosaur fuel, to your house electrics--without next killing a line-man
.. because: you didn't Kill the house-main-Switch. Add n-more.
     Anybody know anything about home gas lines? - (mmoffitt) - (14)
         The shut off valves probably just leak very slowly . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             Thanks. Original installers are coming Friday. - (mmoffitt)
             agree -NT - (boxley)
         I know this about gas - (pwhysall) - (3)
             Well, ... - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 Believe that's called, "Eating your own dog-food" (?) :-þ - (Ashton)
             +7 ..that's a good overall-Koan for lots of 'matters' :-) - (Ashton)
         Having just switched gas suppliers... - (scoenye) - (3)
             Thanks. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                 Good luck! Winter is not over. :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                 Hope you kept them away from the water lines... - (scoenye)
         Solved. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
             Woot! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
             Coleridge? /edited: "Drip, drip drip on My cold grey stones oh /Sea malignant old pipes.." -NT - (Ashton)

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