Thanks much! ..a veritable wish-I'd-(could)-said-that-all. Pity there's no author named
htf did you espy This? O staunch foe of the entire Brexit-scam via sheeple of the Drumpf-ilk.
Moi lurves this Giant-little-gurrll, now the doyenne anti-Fascist anti-Kapitalist extant.
(And.. as with Obama's ascension early-on: I ƒeare the lone-assassin, his hand on penis as he fires spasmodically
in his crusade against 'speaking 'Truth to Power' and any other new or old koan.
We must all hang together or manifestly we Shall all hang separately (to coin a phrase) :-þ
Species-cide; imagine.. tryin to Imagine That, eh? we are sooo Fucked by the now-in-DNA fantasy of perpetual growth of $$,
of offspring and the massively addictive comfort-drug. Greta wouldn't bite on that mirage, Evah--I do suppose.
(Let someone offer her a £££-milliard to shut up. Preferably on Tee Vee, etc. I can see her body language right now).