Post #430,962
9/27/19 12:19:18 AM
9/27/19 12:19:18 AM

Well, one thing is certain . . .
. . the Eco Capitalists will be making millions off of her.
Post #430,963
9/27/19 2:59:10 AM
9/27/19 2:59:10 AM

Yeah! Big Solar! Big Wind! Big Recycling! Big Sustainable Transport!
It's a conspiracy by Big Make The World Less Shitty, I tells ya!
Post #430,966
9/27/19 1:42:22 PM
9/27/19 1:42:22 PM

You always wear rose colored glasses?
Big "charities" with highly paid management that yield less than 10% to those in need are already common. Greta is certainly a property they will exploit to the hilt.
Post #430,968
9/27/19 2:02:43 PM
9/27/19 2:02:43 PM

Geez. And I get the stick about purity tests!
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #430,971
9/27/19 3:04:56 PM
9/27/19 3:04:56 PM

Methinks that we have not the Time ... ... ...
to raze the Tissue-of-Lies behind all the shadow excuses for maintaining [Ronnie''s Greed-is-Goood], the #1 Kapitalismo koan, so: we must use this existing infra-inhumane rustic shack, while imagineering some -->||||| Obstacles to their pernicious innate mindset(s)
Later On (now a mere 'hope' that there shall Be such..? IF...) we Can methodically dismantle the poisonous artifacts of our Social Theories-gone-all-Rong. With care, determination and {ulp} Rationality-going--->Rite-ish, much of the species-list may survive--even Ours.
That is all.
Post #431,097
10/7/19 2:01:24 AM
10/7/19 2:01:24 AM

I see you, Greta Thunberg.
Post #431,163
10/11/19 7:08:05 PM
10/11/19 7:08:05 PM

Thanks much! ..a veritable wish-I'd-(could)-said-that-all. Pity there's no author named
htf did you espy This? O staunch foe of the entire Brexit-scam via sheeple of the Drumpf-ilk. Moi lurves this Giant-little-gurrll, now the doyenne anti-Fascist anti-Kapitalist extant. (And.. as with Obama's ascension early-on: I ƒeare the lone-assassin, his hand on penis as he fires spasmodically in his crusade against 'speaking 'Truth to Power' and any other new or old koan.
We must all hang together or manifestly we Shall all hang separately (to coin a phrase) :-þ Species-cide; imagine.. tryin to Imagine That, eh? we are sooo Fucked by the now-in-DNA fantasy of perpetual growth of $$, of offspring and the massively addictive comfort-drug. Greta wouldn't bite on that mirage, Evah--I do suppose. (Let someone offer her a £££-milliard to shut up. Preferably on Tee Vee, etc. I can see her body language right now).
Post #431,197
10/13/19 6:52:17 AM
10/13/19 6:52:17 AM

It's on the FB page of the writer
Post #431,218
10/13/19 9:29:05 PM
10/13/19 9:29:05 PM

Bully! ..add-to-listicle.
Post #430,976
9/27/19 6:12:33 PM
9/27/19 6:12:33 PM

Pickens tried big wind, couldnt shift the product out of the wilderness
I think we should shut down the airlines altogether. There is no reason to pile people into a tube and use really carbon unfriendly jet fuel to move people around. No reason they cannot teleconference instead of face to face.
When 911 happened and the skies were clear of planes for a few days the temp dropped nationwide about 3 degrees. No need for air travel at all.
lots of other good ideas out there. We can start by shutting off electricity to Ohio in the winter time, use gas to heat their houses and use solar batteries for their cell phones. They need a light use the camera function.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #431,023
9/30/19 8:30:03 AM
9/30/19 8:30:03 AM

ROFL. Wind is obviously working somewhere in the USA.
First or second fasted growing occupation in the US the last four years?
Wind Turbine Service Technician.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #431,035
9/30/19 8:44:37 PM
10/12/19 1:16:18 AM

Box- points conferred: Concur that massive air-travel blongs on the Docket ..early and fiercely.

Edited by Ashton
Oct. 12, 2019, 01:16:18 AM EDT
Post #431,041
10/1/19 8:07:11 AM
10/1/19 8:07:11 AM

Yep. Ride the Eurostar and then try to convince yourself air travel is necessary.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #430,975
9/27/19 6:06:43 PM
9/27/19 6:06:43 PM

probably, nothing really wrong with that
as long as it is not a direct pipeline from my wallet to theirs via government edict
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman