-- whenever approaching that rarefied atmosphere, I notice forming in my nostrils.. the stench of MASSIVE LIES (I Guess that's it?)
[~to.. a two-week dead vole in the unplugged fridge in a July, in Miami]
We are (all) such Masters at selective data-taking, creation of filter matrices for what Does come in (even by those who kant spel eether wun). We have entire Industries (Marketing, Econ, 'Medicine' anyone?) whose main goal is that of - dissembling, obfuscating, creating new emotional Wants - no matter the consequences in time/place next. (And never: 'for Whom!') And they.. *We!* will *say* absolutely Anything IF: it will only Sell.
All rationalized by 24/7 ad-created Imagery which is invariably ~ some synonym for "Progress" or the ever-Popular "Prosperity" ... well, for some. Not for all, of course. Not even for 'lots'. Just for a few folks what look, pray, prey - and think: a lot like umm (Me?)
Pity that only a handful of little tykes tumble *early-on* to the BS being spoon fed with mothers milk. Seems that most of us get so accustomed to Ignorance is Truth .. Freedom is Slavery -- that by the time we survive Teen-hood: any idea of umm "looking for root Causes in that ol stimulus:response homo-sap behaviour": just evanesces. Never to be noticed again.
One's first suit of clothes appears to forever banish such weird thoughts from mentation, as the slow crawl up the Appearances ladder teaches New ways of "saying what can sell".
Only thing I've learned about 'root causes' for Sure - thus far - is that: damn Few, even amongst those who can mouth the nice-phrases:
Ever Dare to follow intelligence to even One 'Root'. It's just too scary when (should that happen to Others too? I dunno) that smell of putrefaction begins that familiar gut-knot which you Know comes just before {nausea} ..
gotta.. go.. outside..