"Lock up all the drug dealers".
[Supply & Demand - one of the tenets of Murican Capitalist religion.]
So now we have Pharm Chem Corps with ALL of the business instead of, what? 90% ?
With thousand of clones of the actual Good stuff, from Dr. Feelgood IF
"You are in pain" and can wheedle that Nice Rx.
In the fantasy world, of course: all the Customers just say, "Shucks - guess I can't Do That anymore". And go home [3 bedroom Gothic - in the suburbs] to watch Beavis and InSync reruns on their 60" Tee Vee, eat Whoppers in their Navigators and prey.. of course.
[No supply? OK - there's no demand now. Right.]
Need I replace 'Drugs' ? with the equivalent scenario for,
Religion A (says Religion B is Evil)
Religion B (says Religion A is Evil)
Group A has jobs, a place to live.
Group B has few of either.
Now we lock up the (today's crop of) Leaders.
Peace, of the DisneyCorp-land sort, with flocks of tiny bluebirds and butterflies surrounding Bambi:
Breaks Out.
Never mind the small difficulty of ID-ing *ANY* of the players in the above scenarios, BTW. With Magic, the Good Fairy Makes It All Well.
(And if anyone disagrees about what is 'Good' vs. what is 'Bad':
Nuke 'Em)
I feel a song coming on ....
The Hills are alive with the sound of Muzak ...