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New Germans and Vegetables
This is inspired by Ashton's comment in Oh Pun!: "Veggies are good; even the Germans see that:"

The Germans have long used vegetables, to a minor extent, and are the only people who felt that the Victorian English undercooked their vegetables**.

A journalist for Smithsonian Magazine, a few years ago, was preparing an article on German sausage makers. He chose a sausage shop with an owner who was talkative and agreeable to showing him the whole process.

A year or so later, to finish up his article, the journalist went back to the same sausage shop. The guy still sold sausages, but he didn't make them any more.

What happened? The sausage maker was falling into very bad health. His doctor told him he had to eat a lot of vegetables. This horrified the sausage maker, as eating vegetables was such an alien concept. He couldn't stand vegetables, not even the thought of vegetables - so the doctor showed him how to make smoothies out of vegetables, something he could choke down. The effect on his health was so stunning, that by time the journalist got back for a final review, the guys specialty was making vegetarian entrées.

Entrées: This is a confusing term. The Smithsonian Magazine article was written in the United States, where an "entrée" is the main dish. This is true also in some parts of Canada. In the rest of the world, an "entrée" is the first dish to the table, the "entrence". For this reason, I don't use the term on Clovegarden.

** Some English recipes I have made make very good use of "overcooking" vegetables. They are cooked down into a sauce, which is quite good. Some chefs in England are working hard to restore the glory of pre-Victorian English cuisine, which was well respected in that time.

After WWII, quite a few young German chefs got kitchen jobs in other countries, and came back to Germany with a new concept of vegetables. One result is the New German Cookbook (HarperCollins), where traditional recipes are reconstituted with a better understanding of vegetables.
New yup they love both kinds, roots and cabages
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Thanks for the back-story
In (boarding) school I thought I despised 'spinach'. Then later-on when Fresh spinach was presentd, I realized-it-all in a flash: *canned* it had been==already massively overcooked etc. Similar atrocities may lie behind what you report.
* Am aware that too-much-Iron within can become a problem, were you to make too many mono-meals {sigh}

Moi loves *Spinach, but never again from any Can, also parsnips, yellow beets in salads and like that; it Will be easy to switch from executed-animals full time, when I acquire the skilllz to employ local veggies (plus Veggie Cooking for Dummies) ..to go with the IR-thermometer.
New I take it you're not a sailor man?
New he might have a squinky eye
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Popeye and Spinach
The reputation ffor Spinach being very high in iron stems from an early nutritional analyst misplacing a decimal point. It took an amazing number of years for this to be noticed and corrected. Spinach is high in iron - but only 1/10th the iron given in that analysis. By this time, Popeye and his spinach habit were well entrenched.
New Indeed; in space-flight a decimal-point error could ..well, you know. Powerful, that tiny dot[.]
(Some people invest whole lives in ..moving it ever Right-wards; then the spouse leaves).

Heard about that error.. only hearsay that in some bodies Ferrum must be a controlled-substance (and the warning will be in Latin; makes it impressive).

Worse re bikes: you think you can buy that Shadow? and.. nope, ya could afford only a 1939 Calthorpe with one anemic cylinder /damn Banksters!
New Just remember to cook it
"Spinach is a source of non-heme iron, which is found in vegetable sources. Non-heme iron is not as bioavailable to the body as the heme iron found in animal products. Raw spinach contains an inhibitor called oxalic acid or oxalate. Oxalic acid naturally binds with minerals like calcium and iron, making them harder for the body to absorb. Cooking spinach can help unlock these iron absorption inhibitors and hence increase iron bioavailability. In other words, cooking spinach helps make iron more available to your body."


So much for salad!
New So, folks with hemochromatosis . . .
. . should eat their spinach raw - keeps down the number of bleedings they must endure to reduce iron in the blood.

Fortunately for the rest of us, hemochromatosis is hereditary and we can't catch it.
New Well, darn!
Most of the spinach I consume (along with fruit and Greek yogurt) comes in the form of smoothies that my wife makes. I don't believe spinach puree is equivalent to cooked spinach.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
New Not unless you puree it on *really* high speed

New Umm, acquainted.. Think I liked Bluto ..world's most inept bully? (Well, before ____ )
     Germans and Vegetables - (Andrew Grygus) - (11)
         yup they love both kinds, roots and cabages -NT - (boxley)
         Thanks for the back-story - (Ashton) - (9)
             I take it you're not a sailor man? -NT - (scoenye) - (8)
                 he might have a squinky eye -NT - (boxley)
                 Popeye and Spinach - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
                     Indeed; in space-flight a decimal-point error could ..well, you know. Powerful, that tiny dot[.] - (Ashton)
                     Just remember to cook it - (dmcarls) - (3)
                         So, folks with hemochromatosis . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
                         Well, darn! - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                             Not unless you puree it on *really* high speed -NT - (drook)
                 Umm, acquainted.. Think I liked Bluto ..world's most inept bully? (Well, before ____ ) -NT - (Ashton)

It me, your father.
163 ms