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New ..Squared. Nice that no CNN reporter was going to 'explain', possibly execrably..
.. ditto on the "One-button" (whereby if car's battery goes tits-up/or the Gadget's does) yesss... there are some ways to recover ... and last I heard: no two car models do that the same way.

Personally--as clearly n%-iggerant of what a Passenger-carrying Pilot must know--I would have thought that (as with dual-Linked Mechanical er, steering-wheels, by sight AND feel): that whatever button on the yoke says, "I'm Flying This Plane NOW": should, always and everywhere-defeat; ALL the layered-drill-down menu gadgetry.
{Too-many-words, not needed here re the accumulation ie incremental increase in the elevator rate-of-change: only these words maybe): Boeing Supervisory Engineer: should be charged with manslaughter or, just-short-of pre-meditated murther for

A) single-point of failure design [as has its own algorithm re mandatory redundancy: at "Critical" Levels, if I read that right.
B) Keeping MCAS so secret that it isn't in the Manual nor HIGHLIGHTED-in-RED on the cute little iPad. (Add-in the seamy love affair of FAA-with-biz-money, for emphasis by the Prosecution.)

And if the Liar-in-Chief propaganda machines get him in for 1460 more days in a daze:
given all the other Planetary-life-support matters as will next be trashed: "flying" shall also take-on something like that iconic pic of Rollie Free, middle-aged and--in a bathing suit, prone--stretched out on a Vincent Black Lightning at 150 mph. (Well, at least it was salt, below.. and not at 30,000 feet.)

(I'm still finding it surreal that such a chain-of-Obvious-Danger actually got through--sales race or not--ALL those intermediaries along the way. We'll likely never know if even One of their staff ..tried to Reason with the stock-holder 'wing'/phalanx of Boeing-Bizness Strategists??)

Jeez, we coulda saved a $bundle with the Bevatron accelerator: all those 30-Ton blocks to shield against [1013 protons/pulse] ..since we got to Half of that, but only in its final development: we coulda waited out the years at [n X 1011] ... then added some extra shielding. But we weren't thinking like Boeing-Armani-Suits.

tl;dr: Pshaw!!
Collapse Edited by Ashton March 26, 2019, 09:36:05 PM EDT
..Squared. Nice that no CNN reporter was going to 'explain', possibly execrably..
     NYT re Boeing: turns the spotlight Full-on Std. Vulture Capitalismo and *Optional $$$* Safety mods - (Ashton) - (4)
         And how that fits into the total picture - (scoenye) - (3)
             One word: 'ominous'. Perfect-match for ethics-free Vulture Capitalism: "your money AND your life". - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Indeed. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     ..Squared. Nice that no CNN reporter was going to 'explain', possibly execrably.. - (Ashton)

With one hand tied behind my back.
26 ms