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New Indeed.
There's also a philosophical reason that airline pilots may have lost their trust in Boeing. An old airline pilot axiom, "If it's not a Boeing, I'm not going," was a clear endorsement of the product's quality. But with MCAS, Boeing departed from its historical precedent by designing an automated system that took control away from its pilots. Personally, after 34 years of flying only Boeing airplanes, I am disappointed by this revelation.

I've used a variant of that phrase many, many times over the years and may now have to amend it to, "If it ain't Boeing pre-737 Max, I ain't going." Just as any auto I purchase must not have Bluetooth, Wifi, keyless ignition, etc.

It's mourning in America again.
New ..Squared. Nice that no CNN reporter was going to 'explain', possibly execrably..
.. ditto on the "One-button" (whereby if car's battery goes tits-up/or the Gadget's does) yesss... there are some ways to recover ... and last I heard: no two car models do that the same way.

Personally--as clearly n%-iggerant of what a Passenger-carrying Pilot must know--I would have thought that (as with dual-Linked Mechanical er, steering-wheels, by sight AND feel): that whatever button on the yoke says, "I'm Flying This Plane NOW": should, always and everywhere-defeat; ALL the layered-drill-down menu gadgetry.
{Too-many-words, not needed here re the accumulation ie incremental increase in the elevator rate-of-change: only these words maybe): Boeing Supervisory Engineer: should be charged with manslaughter or, just-short-of pre-meditated murther for

A) single-point of failure design [as has its own algorithm re mandatory redundancy: at "Critical" Levels, if I read that right.
B) Keeping MCAS so secret that it isn't in the Manual nor HIGHLIGHTED-in-RED on the cute little iPad. (Add-in the seamy love affair of FAA-with-biz-money, for emphasis by the Prosecution.)

And if the Liar-in-Chief propaganda machines get him in for 1460 more days in a daze:
given all the other Planetary-life-support matters as will next be trashed: "flying" shall also take-on something like that iconic pic of Rollie Free, middle-aged and--in a bathing suit, prone--stretched out on a Vincent Black Lightning at 150 mph. (Well, at least it was salt, below.. and not at 30,000 feet.)

(I'm still finding it surreal that such a chain-of-Obvious-Danger actually got through--sales race or not--ALL those intermediaries along the way. We'll likely never know if even One of their staff ..tried to Reason with the stock-holder 'wing'/phalanx of Boeing-Bizness Strategists??)

Jeez, we coulda saved a $bundle with the Bevatron accelerator: all those 30-Ton blocks to shield against [1013 protons/pulse] ..since we got to Half of that, but only in its final development: we coulda waited out the years at [n X 1011] ... then added some extra shielding. But we weren't thinking like Boeing-Armani-Suits.

tl;dr: Pshaw!!
Expand Edited by Ashton March 26, 2019, 09:36:05 PM EDT
     NYT re Boeing: turns the spotlight Full-on Std. Vulture Capitalismo and *Optional $$$* Safety mods - (Ashton) - (4)
         And how that fits into the total picture - (scoenye) - (3)
             One word: 'ominous'. Perfect-match for ethics-free Vulture Capitalism: "your money AND your life". - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Indeed. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     ..Squared. Nice that no CNN reporter was going to 'explain', possibly execrably.. - (Ashton)

I said, "Forget the cods, Gill, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon." Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend. She came over to me, she said, "Hey, big boy. You're really a game fish. What's your name?" I said, "Marlin."
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