Eleanor Gordon-smith: After he left, I sat on the curb surrounded by fossilized bits of chewing gum and watched the traffic go by. This was the most success I had with any of the guys I talked to. It took 120 minutes of conversation with one man to get him to commit to not literally assaulting women.Either that it took two hours of further persuasion after she'd presented stats on womens' side of it -- like, "2/3 of women think that it's going to get worse. [ . . . ] 85% feel angry, 78% feel annoyed, 80% feel nervous, and 72% feel disgusted. It's not just me, man. Most of us hate it." -- to get this one guy to promise to quit slapping random female passers-by on the butt(*); or, even more probably, that he was the only one she got even that far with. (He'd go on cat-calling, as I understood it.)
Here, read the whole thing; it isn't all that long: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/603/transcript
(*): But he had a gentlemanly code of only slapping, not grabbing, because that would be weird... (Yeah, really.) And he only did it to women in groups, and only to one of them. (Guess we gotta be genuinely thankful that woman walking alone were spared.)