Finally.. despite this $&^$^&@# Doze 8.ugly.000 box, infected with some scam-Oversight layer by A.V.G. [the Bastards, here..] I managed to login, after a momentary power outage forced this kluge to reboot.
Thanks for all Kind- and Fire-retardant.. Words (as seem to have helped.) Currently still in Sonoma (the town-name as also, County) from whence we were on edge of abandonment also-Too! not long after moi+cats' arrival last week.
Given stats all have seen, my/our travails have been as fluff compared with Know, now. The two cats are ensconced in a sm. bathroom, one kitty-carrier in tub, etc. and have behaved near magically in abiding n-Hours within separate/facing boxes in car.. thence to all these days in a tiny place. Can only attribute this behaviour to some innate Sense that: we all Were escaping some bad-ju-ju-so-Behave! ..or like that.
Lastly & still: my spot at a street (Cypress) which ends at the very bank of Sonoma Creek is within the vicissitudes of wind and ongoing ill-contained mess which evacuated/nearly ate-up 'Oakmont' earlier (retirement village for the well-heeled tribes, up the road.) So odds are [+] but mutable. I hope that the slow.. friendly possum who frequented kibble-dish after dusk, has made it through without these K-rations, this more-so than The Stuff (so aptly addressed in Geo Carlin's famous skit.)
There's enough personnel about (and space to bulldoze) methinks that were Kenwood next to conflagrate -??- then the entire Fire-cohort could not Live With That-shame, this late in the n-$B-Game. On that, I am unanimous, so shall not worry-pretty-little head.
Sometimes it's tasty :-)
Thanks for all Kind- and Fire-retardant.. Words (as seem to have helped.) Currently still in Sonoma (the town-name as also, County) from whence we were on edge of abandonment also-Too! not long after moi+cats' arrival last week.
Given stats all have seen, my/our travails have been as fluff compared with Know, now. The two cats are ensconced in a sm. bathroom, one kitty-carrier in tub, etc. and have behaved near magically in abiding n-Hours within separate/facing boxes in car.. thence to all these days in a tiny place. Can only attribute this behaviour to some innate Sense that: we all Were escaping some bad-ju-ju-so-Behave! ..or like that.
Lastly & still: my spot at a street (Cypress) which ends at the very bank of Sonoma Creek is within the vicissitudes of wind and ongoing ill-contained mess which evacuated/nearly ate-up 'Oakmont' earlier (retirement village for the well-heeled tribes, up the road.) So odds are [+] but mutable. I hope that the slow.. friendly possum who frequented kibble-dish after dusk, has made it through without these K-rations, this more-so than The Stuff (so aptly addressed in Geo Carlin's famous skit.)
There's enough personnel about (and space to bulldoze) methinks that were Kenwood next to conflagrate -??- then the entire Fire-cohort could not Live With That-shame, this late in the n-$B-Game. On that, I am unanimous, so shall not worry-pretty-little head.
Sometimes it's tasty :-)