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New I am tempted to behave unethically
Having assembled (with no small effort, and a certain amount of muttered swearing, although the printed instructions, while terse, were straightforward) my “server rack,” I ordered a metal pegboard from a well-known online retailer. I will attach this to the side of the unit, and it will hold hubs and power strips and other ancillary hardware that presently clutters my horizontal surfaces. Alas, it arrived munched on one corner, probably in consequence of the unexpectedly heavy* package being dropped in transit. The damage is cosmetic rather than functional, but still, one would like to receive one’s new merchandise in, well, new condition. Nevertheless, I am disposed to shrug and let it pass. I would incline to do so even had the well-known retailer not shipped me four other units, all identically blemished, in the same consignment, charging me for just the one. I suppose that the ethical thing to do would be to bring the matter to the retailer’s attention, but this would involve me in unasked-for effort and delay, so I think I’m going to accept the crunched corner(s) without demur and find some alternative uses around The Crumbling Manse™ for the other units. What say you, my auditors? Ought I return the excess pegboards?


*for obvious reasons
New Allow a suitable amount of time to pass
for them to recognise their mistake, then you should consider them yours.

This line of thinking is why I've got a pristine extra pair of wellies.

(Amazon vendor failed to ship, I complained, two pairs turned up, and I could not be bothered to expend any more effort of any kind on a purchase totalling £15)
New I had the same thing happen with a pair of bicycle rims a few years back.
Mailed the supplier to ask, they said "Oops" and sent a pair of new ones... Then both pairs arrived. Not sure in which order, but anyway the first-sent ones had apparently got stuck somewhere in Finnish Posti and/or Customs. Phoned the supplier to ask if they wanted one pair back, was told not to bother.

So, sorry Rand... That little anecdote yields no useful advice either way; doing what I did might or might not have the same result I got. All told, probably what others have said: Don't nail them up anywhere for a while yet, in case they get in touch and want them back within the next month or whatever period you find appropriate. After that, they're yours.
Christian R. Conrad
Same old username (as above), but now on iki.fi

(Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
New I believe that falls under the unsolicited rule, wait for a bit to see if they ask for them back
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New This. It's not your fault that they made a mistake in your favor.
Don't feel bad for them - it probably costs them more to take the stuff back than for you to keep it.

We got a cabinet from Crate and Barrel. It arrived damaged. We called them up and asked about their policy of making us happy. They offered some money back. We asked about returning it and getting another one shipped. They offered much more money back. We accepted their offer. (If they took it back, they would have had to offer more off to sell it, plus the cost of keeping it around.)

It's worth much more to Big River for you to be happy.

New That approximately mirrors my thinking
Plus, the returned merchandise would probably be unsaleable in its blemished condition.

I made my final weekend run to the BrainDead Building today, and carted out everything that needed motor transport to convey home. What little remains can be hand-toted across the Bay incrementally over the course of the next five work days. I left the office looking as though it had been tossed by particularly vindictive secret police, but that can be corrected by Friday next. I’m about to shut down the home iMac (treacherous, unreliable machine, unlike its angelic twin carried home from work today) and swap in “Big Cheese,” the new/old 12-core jobbie. Wish me luck.

New Luck!!
     seems like the most plausible forum - (rcareaga) - (17)
         Kinda sorta. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             Thanks for the pointers - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Understood. - (Another Scott)
         Try here - (crazy) - (2)
             Ah! - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Yeah, I love old racks, amazingly useful - (crazy)
         dunno if they have flee markets waay east of you - (boxley)
         I am tempted to behave unethically - (rcareaga) - (7)
             Allow a suitable amount of time to pass - (pwhysall) - (1)
                 I had the same thing happen with a pair of bicycle rims a few years back. - (CRConrad)
             I believe that falls under the unsolicited rule, wait for a bit to see if they ask for them back -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                 This. It's not your fault that they made a mistake in your favor. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                     That approximately mirrors my thinking - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         Luck!! -NT - (Another Scott)
             Nothing unethical about it - (crazy)
         Settling in, and... - (rcareaga) - (1)
             I've become a big fan of velcro cable ties. - (Another Scott)

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rye!
130 ms