Where do apartment dwellers go, then, after they've decided to call it a night and go home?
So apartments aren't homes? Weird usage.
Where do apartment dwellers go, then, after they've decided to call it a night and go home? -- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on iki.fi (Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.) |
In real estate terminology (around here) . . .
. . a home is a free standing house or duplex that you may own or rent. An apartment is a unit of a multi-unit building that you can only rent - unless you own the whole shebang. In between these are condos, which are multi-unit buildings, but sometimes loosely called "homes" because you own the unit you live in, but they are more properly called "condos". I have condos West across the street, South and East. I am amused by all these guys out in the morning walking their wives miniature condo dogs. Yesterday there was a guy walking a fluffy white thing with a brilliant pink leash. Talk about emasculated! |
About leash color
Should leash colors match the gender of the dog or the owner? Why? -- Drew |
Doesn't matter: Pink is pink, but Gryge is right: *Brilliant* pink really *is* emasculated/-ing.
Depends how secure you are, innit?