Post #418,145
5/15/17 4:52:37 AM
5/15/17 4:52:37 AM

At least as of W2K, the start menu was configurable.
Just drag stuff you use most often into the primary menu, and shut up with your lying "[n]ever had what I was looking for on it without delving into a dwarf pit of sub menus" BS.
Nope. The W8/W10 UI just sucks. Horrible horrible horrible.
Got the sprog a laptop for Christmas; one of the reasons I picked a Lenovo was because it had a W7 option.
-- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #418,155
5/15/17 3:34:25 PM
5/15/17 3:34:25 PM

As it is on W10. I find the W7 start menu horrifically limiting.
In practical terms, you can pin about a dozen or so apps to the Windows 7 start menu. It's pretty basic. You can't even do a web search or basic sums in the search box.
But you can run W7 if you like. I like having more performance on the same hardware.
(My work laptop has 7 on it, lest you think I'm some kind of mixed-version masochist at home)
Every piece of annoyance in W10 is 100% mitigated by the menu you get when you right-click the start button.
What's that? Sorry. Can't hear you over the sound of me starting an admin PowerShell prompt in 2 clicks.
On a more serious note, older versions of Windows will slide into irrelevance as high-DPI displays become mainstream. I dunno if you've used one, but this here XPS has a 3200x1800 display at 13"; this means I run Windows at 250% scaling. Text basically looks like print; images are deliciously crisp. And, ironically, at these resolutions and scales, the whole MacOS vs Windows font smoothing question basically goes out of the window.
Windows early than 8 is a bit of a shitshow at these high resolutions; you can dial things up to about 150%, but that's not nearly enough, and many apps end up looking like complete disasters - Windows 10 is much better at dealing with legacy and ill-behaving apps that don't obey the scaling rules.
Post #418,231
5/19/17 3:11:55 AM
5/19/17 3:11:55 AM

Resolution? I'll give you Dell screen resolution!
Got a new MacBook Pro at work a while ago. No DisplayPort (or wossname?), only USB-C, so new "dock" multi-connector dongle... With only HDMI video connector. So my couple-years-old Dell U2713HM now displays glorious 1920x1080. :-(
Dragging cmd.exe above the line on the W7 start menu also gives me access to the glorious old "C:\>" command prompt in two clicks, BTW. (And the new "PowerShell" one too, if I wanted; just never got into that language... yet?)
-- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #418,251
5/20/17 2:35:02 AM
5/20/17 2:35:02 AM

On PowerShell
For Windows scripting, it's the future. It's got proper syntax (I know bash, and I also know actual not-congealed-over-decades languages, and bash is fucking horrific), gives you full access to the .net object model, etc. yadda. It's a bit wordy, and you deffo want to use the PowerShell ISE environment at least at first. Example (with a stupid syntax highlighting scheme that makes symbols a delightful salmon-pink-on-white colour):
Post #418,254
5/20/17 3:41:24 AM
5/20/17 3:41:24 AM

That's bizarre
I just hooked up my work Dell E7470 to my own QNix 2710 monitor (1440p) via HDMI, and I got 1440p.
Post #418,232
5/19/17 5:58:14 AM
5/19/17 5:58:14 AM

Never played with the scaling before in Windows. On my Surface Pro 3, it recommends 150% but since I raised the default size on my phone a few weeks ago (ageing eyes...), I might give 175% a try for a little while.
Thank you for the idea.
Post #418,252
5/20/17 2:43:55 AM
5/20/17 6:07:05 AM

Re: Huh.
It's remarkable. Here's a couple of worked examples. You don't realise the diff until you see them together. You at 100%:  You at 250%:  And here you are, scaled to the same size: 

Edited by pwhysall
May 20, 2017, 06:07:05 AM EDT
Post #418,259
5/20/17 11:31:42 PM
5/20/17 11:31:42 PM

I can already see the difference.
The less "wasted whitespace" on Facebook was immediately noticeable.