Initially it was amusing: that carnival barker fronting for the republicans? It is to laugh. The laughs stopped when the only democratic response was "Hillary! She's got a vagina! And it's her turn!".
She didn't draw a lot of free air time because her discussion of the issues could bore the tits off a brass Budda and she has a history of triangulating which involves the abandonment of previous held positions, so nobody really believes her when she says she will do something.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you about the future. The bankers have already danced on our 401Ks and the remainder haven't increased in value to meet real inflation, much less be able to fund a future. Once SS and Medicare are gone, it's just a matter of time before the tax courts take the house and being killed in a nuclear exchange is looking like the easy way out.
Meh. It's probably just the holiday cheer: "Yes, Virginia, there IS a mad bomber"
She didn't draw a lot of free air time because her discussion of the issues could bore the tits off a brass Budda and she has a history of triangulating which involves the abandonment of previous held positions, so nobody really believes her when she says she will do something.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you about the future. The bankers have already danced on our 401Ks and the remainder haven't increased in value to meet real inflation, much less be able to fund a future. Once SS and Medicare are gone, it's just a matter of time before the tax courts take the house and being killed in a nuclear exchange is looking like the easy way out.
Meh. It's probably just the holiday cheer: "Yes, Virginia, there IS a mad bomber"