Everything isn't an equivalence between the two assholes. Both are poor candidates and neither should be a contender in a reasonable system. The Clintons are old school professional politicians; they are scarred by decades of grubbing for money, favors, and votes. They are scarred by decades of demonizing and persecution, probably because they're better at it than the opposition. They cross the t's and dot the i's and they are never quite criminals. Hillary can hoover up orders of magnitude more money than I made in several decades as an engineer in several years without any product to show. But it can't be PROVEN that she broke the law. She knows how to play the game. I think she is totally untrustworthy, damaged goods, and should never have a role in government again. That's my opinion but I have no voice in the matter so it's worthless. Trump, on the other paw, is a carnival barker with no redeeming qualities. He doesn't know the game and he's too narcissistic to learn. There is NO equivalence between the two entities. Criticize Hillary on her myriad faults to your hearts content, but leave Trump out of it. When you bring Trump in, you elevate him to an unsupportable level.
And it's boring.
And it's boring.