> copulatin like mad a la mayflies.. Once a year and.. Today's the Day!
> So.. in Mars context - perhaps such conditions are iminical to the forming of large warring groups, the comprehension of such Truths as,
Mine's Bigger! ... thus the forming of cities and other proofs that,
See ?! Mine WAS *Bigger !!!>
> *see stories of the Chrysler Building, Sears Tower, Empire State yada yada - each one built for One carbon unit's massive Ego. (er QED? or do I have to toss in Cheops too?)
> And that, boys n' girls is why - we don't yet see the signs of life on Mars. Their idea of
smart differs substantially from ours. And if they Are smart: they won't want to let on to Us - that *they Are there*. No? (and they haven't even been bombed with urine bags yet..)
> Planetary Stealth Network
..just don't tell them fuckin Terrans, OK?>
iminical to the forming of large warring groups
Oh, I dunno. Seems to me, you'd have a limited resource that would quickly diminish. As the point of life, and evolution is
more life (biologic forms are the reproductive organs for DNA), it seems to me that fierce competition for resources is likely.
such Truths as, Mine's Bigger!
Well, that kind of waste is really a mating display. In a world where abundance literally evaporates, it might indeed be true that opulent displays of power and wealth might never arise.
won't want to let on to Us
Ya mean, like destroying Martian probes?