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New Is it not worth asking, "What caused the overly reported 'violence' in the first place?"
New Ralston was there. Ask him.
New Re: Ralston was there. Isnt he one of ben rhodes boys?
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
New He writes for Politico, apparently.
I don't read Politico (usually), so I don't know if he's insane or not.

Sure, be skeptical. But has his reporting on NV been wrong, even if he is in the tank for HRC (which I'm not saying he is)?

New WAY off the mark this time.
The cops were on site, was anyone arrested? Nope. Do you really think if there'd been half the stuff the Clinton Kamp and their toadies in the meedja have claimed (chairs being thrown, people rushing the podium, etc. sic nauseum) that NO ONE would have been arrested? There's tons of video on the tubes so you can see for yourself. Here's one starting place: http://frozenjustice.blogspot.com/2016/05/nevada-convention-no-fights-no-stage.html

Oh, but I forgot there was the one CLINTON SUPPORTER, an actor who was arrested for assaulting a woman who supported Bernie. He followed her to her hotel room to attack her.

Who is it, again, that's inciting violence?
Expand Edited by mmoffitt May 18, 2016, 04:20:41 PM EDT
New Re: WAY off the mark this time.


New Lift != Throw. HTH.
New Apparently from some angles, it looked like the chair was thrown.
Is "brandishing" more appropriate? Does that somehow help?

Bernie's people threw an unwarranted tantrum. That's the bottom line.

New unwarranted? after the meeting was supposed to start ast 10 am and they voted at 9:30?
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
New Meh.
You weren't there. I wasn't there. There are lots and lots of posts from people who claim to have been there with differing opinions.


All this tantrum nonsense over around 2 net delegates is ridiculous - especially when Hillary won the actual vote at the caucus in February.

New You'd think Clinton would recognize that she didn't need to cheat. But its a lifestyle for her.
New Re: You'd think Clinton would recognize that she didn't need to cheat. But its a lifestyle for her.

There’s little disagreement that the convention was chaotic. PolitiFact Nevada was at the convention and saw it firsthand. But does the Sanders campaign’s complaints have merit?


Our ruling

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said Nevada Democratic Party leaders "hijacked the process on the floor" of the state convention "ignoring the regular procedure and ramming through what they wanted to do."

Caucuses and delegate math can be incredibly confusing, and the arcane party structures don’t reflect how most people assume presidential selection works.

But the howls of unfairness and corruption by the Sanders campaign during Nevada’s state Democratic Convention can’t change the simple fact that Clinton’s supporters simply turned out in larger numbers and helped her solidify her delegate lead in Nevada.

There’s no clear evidence the state party "hijacked" the process or ignored "regular procedure."

We rate this claim False.


New Unwarranted?
Do you actually work for Clinton's campaign? Correct the Record? The DNC? They *changed* the rules without debate. They were supposed to debate the rule changes before the vote. One of the "temporary" rules was on --- wait for it --- the legitimacy of voice votes and whether they should continue to use them. Jesus, man, it would have been apparent to Helen Keller that the first "voice vote" rejected making the rules permanent, but permanent rules favored Clinton, so the chair lied and said the yea's have it.

I've lost a TON of respect for Barbara Boxer and not just for her supporting Hillary over Bernie. She "felt her life was in danger" my arse. Surrounded by her own security detail, behind a line of cops, behind a barricade some people shouted at her. Oh yeah, she *really was* afraid, wasn't she? Or is it more likely that if Clinton and her surrogates (Boxer among them) play the tired old "BernieBros are violent" nonsense that the establishment media are all too happy to echo, then maybe, just maybe they can force Bernie to stop talking about the issues and drop out of the race because when Bernie talks about the issues, it's casts the Annointed One in a dim light.

And to add epic hypocrisy to Clinton's latest smear campaign against Bernie, WHERE IS HILLARY'S APOLOGY FOR WENDELL PIERCE? That *actually did* happen, unlike the nonsense being spewed Clinton, Wasserman-Schultz, CNN and rest of the Clinton apologists.
New You're wrong, Mike. Stop seeing conspiracies in this.
New You're beginning to sound (insert gentler synonym for "deranged")
I've lost a TON of respect for Barbara Boxer and not just for her supporting Hillary over Bernie.
And you'll lose respect for Saint Bernard if he "betrays" you by endorsing the nominee (assuming he doesn't go with the "bern it down" faction of his constituency. What it comes down to is that no one's positions are to be respected if they deviate from your own. Barbara Boxer's account of her emotional state on thus-and-such an occasion is discounted by you, who was not there and who is not Barbara Boxer. This is solipsism of a high order.

By the way, the events of the past few days have acquainted me with a piece of youthful argot with which I was not previously familiar, although I'd heard of the practice: "doxxing."Rolling Stone interviewed a few of these charmers, including the guy who emitted the charming messages pictured below:


And then there's this one:
Did you intend your message as a threat?

Like, from a legal perspective… I didn't make it a direct threat. There's an implication, and I'm implying, right? I'm inferring that I could do something, but I was doing that to show — it was kind of just a, Hey, let's set the mood here and see if anything will happen.
The tone of your own comments recently makes me think you might be feeling increasingly comfortable with this lot (it was particularly amusing that the one I quoted just now was indignant that her number had been "divulged" to a Rolling Stone reporter. These kids).

Even my younger brother, who I think as of now is still planning to vote for the Sage of Burlington over the Dread Butch Hillary next month, has expressed some reservations about the company he'd be keeping.

New Is he working for Correct the Record? Or do you *trust* David Brock?
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) backer Nomiki Konst lambasted Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Monday for trying to “shame” Sanders supporters into voting for the former secretary of state through a pro-Clinton super PAC that is buying $1 million in “internet trolls” to launch attacks against them.

Appearing on CNN with host Carol Costello, Konst described how Correct the Record, a PAC that defends Clinton from political attacks, has undergone a campaign to counter Sanders voters on the internet and over social media.

“Correct the Record, which is an organization that supports Hillary Clinton in ‘correcting the record’ on Hillary Clinton, just put a million dollars more into, and they published this on their website, they put a million dollars into buying internet trolls to attack Bernie Sanders supporters,” Konst told Costello.

“I mean I’ve been getting them,” Konst added. “This is outrageous. They are trying to create their own propaganda campaign right now to take down Bernie Sanders supporters online … This is what this [Clinton] campaign has come to. They’re trying to shame Bernie Sanders supporters into supporting Hillary Clinton. And I think that‘s a bad campaign tactic.”

Konst also noted how Correct the Record publicized its “Barrier Breakers” project on its website and that multiple media outlets have reported on the story.

The initiative calls for the investment of $1 million “to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram,”according to the organization’s press release, which calls the project the “brainchild” of Democratic operative David Brock.

The effort will draw on “lessons learned from online engagement with ‘Bernie Bros,’”male Sanders supporters who aggressively advocate for the Vermont Senator online.

Correct the Record can openly coordinate with the Clinton campaign due to FEC loopholes, despite rules that generally forbid PACS and campaigns from directly working together, according to The Daily Beast, one outlet that has reported on the “Barrier Breakers” project.


But, he MUST be a Bernie Supporter because "It's on the Internet!" right? And if you don't think David Brock is capable of these sorts of "dirty tricks" I would encourage you to check his background a little. Just a little. That's all it would take.

I have an advantage over most. I was exposed to how extraordinarily effective the US Propaganda machine was as a tot. No real American wants to believe its government and the machinery behind it could possibly mislead us.

As far as strange bedfellows goes, well, I can only say that having a few unhinged folks in my tribe (and I'm certain they exist and are dwarfed in number by the people in my tribe who want a more wealth balanced, just and less war loving nation) is immeasurably preferable to me than being in the tribe in which Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon and Henry Kissinger are all members in Good Standing.
New Re: Boxer. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

The poor woman was obviously shaken very badly.
     the violence of the dems against those who would disagree - (boxley) - (32)
         There are enough bad people who claim to like Bernie that could cause problems... :-( -NT - (Another Scott) - (22)
             they were the ones shooting into Bernie's campaign headquarters? hardly, clintons have thugs too -NT - (boxley) - (21)
                 Meh. - (Another Scott) - (20)
                     Is it not worth asking, "What caused the overly reported 'violence' in the first place?" -NT - (mmoffitt) - (16)
                         Ralston was there. Ask him. -NT - (Another Scott) - (15)
                             Re: Ralston was there. Isnt he one of ben rhodes boys? -NT - (boxley) - (14)
                                 He writes for Politico, apparently. - (Another Scott) - (13)
                                     WAY off the mark this time. - (mmoffitt) - (12)
                                         Re: WAY off the mark this time. - (Another Scott) - (11)
                                             Lift != Throw. HTH. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (10)
                                                 Apparently from some angles, it looked like the chair was thrown. - (Another Scott) - (9)
                                                     unwarranted? after the meeting was supposed to start ast 10 am and they voted at 9:30? -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                                                         Meh. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                             You'd think Clinton would recognize that she didn't need to cheat. But its a lifestyle for her. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                                                                 Re: You'd think Clinton would recognize that she didn't need to cheat. But its a lifestyle for her. - (Another Scott)
                                                     Unwarranted? - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                                                         You're wrong, Mike. Stop seeing conspiracies in this. -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                         You're beginning to sound (insert gentler synonym for "deranged") - (rcareaga) - (2)
                                                             Is he working for Correct the Record? Or do you *trust* David Brock? - (mmoffitt)
                                                             Re: Boxer. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. - (mmoffitt)
                     Or maybe the protests in 1968 were a bad thing? -NT - (mmoffitt)
                     twitter? meh -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                         It's where the hep cats hang out these days, they say. - (Another Scott)
         Does it matter that one campaign disavows violence while another offers to pay their legal fees? -NT - (drook) - (7)
             or Soros paying anarchists to disrupt? wrong on all sides -NT - (boxley) - (6)
                 Guess we better vote for Jill Stein then, huh. (roll-eyes) -NT - (Another Scott) - (3)
                     nope bill the cat gets my vote -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                         Ack! - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             yup, puurfect candidate -NT - (boxley)
                 Soros isn't part of a campaign. How about my question? -NT - (drook) - (1)
                     he isn't, someone better let the dems know that -NT - (boxley)
         It's the framing of the problem - (hnick)

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