That's rich, coming from you. You're supporting a Republican (self described even!) in the democratic primaries for heaven's sake.
I'm a Republican?
That's rich, coming from you. You're supporting a Republican (self described even!) in the democratic primaries for heaven's sake. |
Re: I'm a Republican?
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
Moving to the Right a little is as bad as moving to the Right a lot.
Particularly if you continue to call yourself a "moderate" or a "liberal." |
Germany 1930s would seem to be a counter example.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
How'd that work out for Germany in the 40's?
Uh, yeah, that's my point...
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
Same road, same destination, different pace.
Is Trump running for the Republican nomination? Is Hillary? ;-p
I'm not voting for Trump. You've said you might/will/are considering it. HTH. Cheers, Scott. |
And if I do that, do you really think it's because I believe in Republican policies? As I've noted elsewhere, I hold out the possibility that he's the "lesser evil" only because a Republican looks to be the likely Democratic nominee and he may, in fact, not be a pure Republican like the apparent Democratic nominee (should she win and not be indicted) plainly is. If in practice he turns out to be to the Left of Hillary, it would come as no surprise and he will thus be the "lesser evil." But if it turns out that he is to the Right of Hillary, I think there's a good chance the system will collapse. Either way, there exists a strong argument that voting for Trump in the general, should the Real Republican win the Democratic primary, may well be the best path for a Progressive. Still, I'm not sold on the idea yet. But if I do vote for Trump in the general, it will not be on the basis of supporting Republican policies. You and every other Hillary supporter will be voting for her precisely because you support Republican policies. No one, absolutely no one who votes for her can ever argue otherwise. |
No offense, but your white male privilege is showing.
Trump is proudly spouting racist nonsense. He is proudly shouting misogynistic nonsense. He proudly lies about his record, his proposals, and what he has said a few hours earlier. He's like the rest of the GOP in wanting to slash taxes for the wealthy and gut Planned Parenthood and impose more restrictions on abortion: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump defended Planned Parenthood during an interview Tuesday night, doubling down on his remarks that part of the group should be funded. Later: “Look, Planned Parenthood has done very good work for many, many — for millions of women,” Trump said in a news conference Tuesday night. “And I’ll say it, and I know a lot of the so-called conservatives, they say that’s really … cause I’m a conservative, but I’m a common-sense conservative.” IOW - "PP does great things, but I'm going to cut off all of their funding until they stop providing abortions." Trump is not the "lesser evil". Trump is the "greater evil". Voting for him is a vote for the Republican candidate, and a vote for the reactionary policies they've put in place in DC and across the country. It's fine to dislike Hillary, but don't try to argue that Trump is somehow better in any way. He's not. "The system will collapse" isn't something to be wished for. Afghanistan and South Sudan and Yemen have systems that collapsed - they're not better off as a result. The system can be fixed by keeping the White House, flipping 6-12 seats in the Senate, and flipping a few dozen seats in the House. That's all it takes. Letting Trump and his angry minions burn the place down won't "fix" anything. You might want to bookmark this post, as I'm likely to keep posting pointers to it if you keep up this line of argument. ;-) My $0.02. Cheers, Scott. |
Re: The system can be fixed by keeping the White House, flipping 6-12 seats ...
You cannot be serious. We have actual *history* that belies that claim. What was the Senate composition in 2009? Remind me, was a "democrat" in the White House then? What was the composition of the Congress then? The system *cannot* change if we keep putting Republicans (no matter how they brand themselves) in charge. |
Yes, I am deadly serious.
Look at what happened when someone last won the Republican nomination and had a Republican Senate. W's administration had a Republican Senate from 2001-2007 (with some brief 50/50 periods in there where Cheney could break ties). It wasn't that long ago. Remember Iraq Body Count? (Hillary, Biden, Kerry and others voting for the AUMF resolution in October 2002 is not the same as W twisting the intelligence to get his desired result. Hillary didn't say "We're taking (Saddam) out!" in March 2002.) You, by your professed intended actions, are willing to vote to install another Republican nominee in the White House (which would also let that party keep the Senate). I wish you'd snap out of your purity mania and look at what is actually happening. Hillary isn't running for the Republican nomination. The GOP isn't advocating a $15 minimum wage. The GOP broke the House and is trying to break the Senate (won't do their jobs) and is trying to break the SCOTUS. Hillary isn't doing that. There's a world of difference between the parties now. My $0.02. Cheers, Scott. |
Yours is an unanswerable argument
You and every other Hillary supporter will be voting for her precisely because you support Republican policies. No one, absolutely no one who votes for her can ever argue otherwise.It is unanswerable in the same sense that "Spanish is the native language of most of the people born in Vientiane, Laos since 1978 because salamanders" is unanswerable. Your assertions are not merely untrue, but have veered into nonsensical. And if people gradually cease engaging you, you will feel reinforced in the belief that your glossolalia has swept all before it, and that the Laotians sing "Besame Mucho" each morning as they grind maize for their tortillas. I wish you the joy of it. cordially, |
Hillary's not a Republican? I thought her husband said so.
You and every other Hillary supporter will be voting for her precisely because you support Republican policies. You seriously think Clinton would be working with a Republican Congress to implement everything they want to do? Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
why not? Her husband certainly did. He ran and won on the "contract for america"
always look out for number one and don't step in number two |
Eh? CfA was 1994. You know, the election where the House flipped to punish Bill?
Re: Eh? CfA was 1994.
Forget it. He's rolling. |
he ended welfare as we know it passed harsh sentences on criminals took credit for it plus others It's not just about talking the talk, but you have to walk the walk. And when you look at President Clinton's Record, you'll see a record that would make any Republican proud. always look out for number one and don't step in number two |
Not all, but many.
Wars? Check. Continuance of the surveillance state? Yes. Continuing to enrich the MIC? Absolutely. No reversal of Wall Street power? Do I even have to answer? Continuing the polarization of wealth? You bet. Continued support for middle class slaughtering via trade deals? Absolutely. Continuance of tax breaks for billionaires? No question. Single Payer stays off the table? Obviously. Banksters continue to impoverish those seeking an education? Check. etc. sic nauseum. |
Let's play counter-factuals.
Do you think Gore would have invaded Iraq? Do you think Gore would have squandered the surplus on tax cuts for the 1%? Do you think Gore would have allowed the huge housing bubble to develop? Do you think 9/11 and Katrina would have happened the way they did under Gore? There Is A Difference Between The Parties. Stop pretending there isn't. Even worse than that, stop pretending that Hillary is worse than Trump. We saw what happened when too many people in critical states bought into Nader's rants in 2000. He's cranking them up again, with an extra helping of sexism. Nader's an old crank now. We saw what happens when people listen to him. Don't be that guy. Cheers, Scott. |
The Dumacratic Party, you mean.
Sure Gore was to the right of a standard Democrat, but still Left of Hillary. There's no question we'd have been a lot better off with Gore than W. Just as there is no question we'd have been a lot better off with Brown than Clinton in 1992. The Democratic Party no longer represents Democratic policies. Hence, I don't feel I *owe* them anything. |
If they can't win the nomination, they can't be elected. That's the way it's always been.
Yeah, Bobbie probably would have been a better president than Dick, also too. But that wasn't the choice. You get to choose between 2 people who have the only chances to sit in the White House. Wishing otherwise is fine and good, but you still only have 2 choices. Choosing against your (and your daughter's and the country's) best interests is not the way to change the system. The Democratic Party decides what Democratic Party policies are. If you don't like their policy position on X, Y, Z, then get involved in the party and try to change them. Only people who get involved get a say. Purity ponies who throw their vote away or sit the election out don't change party policies. Cheers, Scott. |
katrina would have hit mexico instead and the arabs would have missed the towers cause gore? hardly
always look out for number one and don't step in number two |
Katrina was much, much more than a hurricane.
We still don't know how many people died. The choice of President matters. In the fall there will be 2 choices (because only one or the other major party candidates will be elected). I know which one I'll be picking... Cheers, Scott. |
bernie I hope
always look out for number one and don't step in number two |
the arabs would have missed the towers cause gore? har
Gore might not have blown off the national security briefers the month before with "OK, you've covered your asses." It isn't necessary to be a 9/11 Truther to recognize "Bush kept us safe" as a particularly twisted—variously clinically delusional or sociopathically cynical—meme. |