The democratic party is not running a Democrat. The candidate that was selected before consulting the people is a neo-liberal authoritarian hawk who, being Wall Street's darling, hoovered up over a million bucks without any product except influence peddling. She's a mainstream Republican. She is currently co-opting as much of Bernie's platform as she can without puking on stage, but given her history of triangulation, those points have the lifespan of a mayfly.
Of course, you could claim that she really is the voice of the Democratic party now. The conclusion to that is "game over".
I am unconvinced at this time that there is really a game on now; just a kabuki to keep the rabble from rioting. When nobody will look up from their cellphones to riot the kabuki will go away.
Your mileage obviously differs...
Of course, you could claim that she really is the voice of the Democratic party now. The conclusion to that is "game over".
I am unconvinced at this time that there is really a game on now; just a kabuki to keep the rabble from rioting. When nobody will look up from their cellphones to riot the kabuki will go away.
Your mileage obviously differs...