I Feel for ya, Andy. As with the earlier ~ it is beneath the dignity of excellent men [sic], that they should waste their days in repetitive calculation...

So do I opine (looking ever from the Outside of youse guys' Chosen Cross to Bear\ufffd) that, most of you are indeed engaged daily in the equally demeaning, casting of Pearls before swine.

And this is not merely about the IT niche - as dumbth increases, as more and more folks acquire their Suited uniform - following an accelerated 'educational experience' not vastly different from Billy's, and with total empha$i$ upon the Econ graphology (and no slightest awareness of WFT ever was some guy called G\ufffdebbels ??) --

Finding Honest Work (what was JFK's little quip .."employing one's abilities along the lines of excellence" ?~) can only become rarer. Learning not to sound patronizing, while explaining for the 5th time to one's "Manager"! how to use the Help system - can only lead to snide thoughts of
'what would s t r a n g u l a t i o n actually Feel like ?'

Well Andy - at least You don't got to deal with no steenkin Manager.. right?

Now I have to leave and continue boning up on .nyet, and find where Sandy Reed's gone, re my Advanced tutelage - for THIS is CLEARLY

The Wave of The Future ----> !!!

..and Ah'm a Surfah, Suckah Dude