Post #406,465
11/24/15 7:46:26 AM

Turkey shot down Russian plane for violating air space.
NY Times. The Russian Defense Ministry also asserted that, “The plane stayed exclusively above the territory of Syria throughout the entire flight,” and said that the two pilots had ejected.
The Turkish military did not identify the nationality of the plane but said in a statement on its website that its pilots fired only after repeated warnings to the other warplane.
“The aircraft entered Turkish airspace over the town of Yaylidag, in the southeastern Hatay province,” the statement read. “The plane was warned 10 times in the space of 5 minutes before it was taken down.”
The incident comes just a day before Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, is scheduled to travel to Turkey for what now promises to be tense discussions. The countries’ relations have been strained by the Kremlin’s intervention in Syria on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad and against the rebels backed by Ankara. Gee, if only the US had a No-Fly zone there, like Hillary and too many others demand, then everything would be better... /snark :-( Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,468
11/24/15 8:21:47 AM

Turkey's airspace includes Syria?
Post #406,472
11/24/15 9:13:54 AM

where it crashed doesnt count, its where it was shot at
Turkey resents russian action, I dont want to get into a war with russia over erdogan's religious bullshit, this is scary
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,477
11/24/15 9:57:46 AM

There's a lot going on there
Turkmen rebels fighting against Assad, Chechen insurgents (although I think they're further east than this particular area), all kinds of things.
No Da'esh, however, so Putin really should stop pretending that's why Russia is up in the Syrian North West.
Russian state media is (for now) saying that this is strictly a Turkish provocation and not NATO.
The Turkish NATO meeting for later this week was called before this incident happened; they were going to discuss Russia's attacks on the Turkmen areas. I suspect that the downed plane will be the discussion topic now, though, eh...
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #406,511
11/24/15 6:24:24 PM

Radar track, allegedly
Post #406,517
11/24/15 8:28:27 PM

Putin's been testing them for weeks.
He apparently is willing to get his people killed to be able to do what he wants. Ergodan and the Turkish military probably see no conceivable downside to their need to be seen as protecting Turkey's sovereignty. TheAviationist: Russian planes deployed to Syria violated the Turkish airspace twice in the last couple of days.
According to NATO, the violations occurred “on 3 October and 4 October by Russian Air Force SU-30 and SU-24 aircraft in the Hatay region. The aircraft in question entered Turkish airspace despite Turkish authorities’ clear, timely and repeated warnings. In accordance with NATO practice, Turkish fighter aircraft responded to these incursions by closing to identify the intruder, after which the Russian planes departed Turkish airspace.”
Some more (sometimes contradictory) details appeared on the Turkish media outlets: although the first reports said the aircraft (initially IDed as Mig-29 Fulcrums – a type flown by the Syrian Air Force and not deployed in theater by the RuAF) breached into the Turkish airspace for 5 miles, according to Ankara, the Russian Su-30SM multirole plane violated Tukey’s airspace by “only” some hundreds of meters and returned to Syria after it was intercepted by two F-16s from the Turkish Air Force out of 10 flying CAP (Combat Air Patrol) near the border. Today's incident: On Nov. 24, a Russian Air Force Su-24M belonging to the contingent deployed to Latakia, in western Syria, was shot down by a Turkish Air Force F-16 after violating Ankara’s airspace in the Hatay region.
Here you can find all the details about the downing and subsequent CSAR (Combat SAR) mission launched by Russian choppers, one of those was destroyed by rebels on the ground, where the helicopter had performed an emergency landing.
The two Russian pilots, who ejected from the Su-24 in flames, died in the incident (it’s still unclear whether at least one of them died before it touched the ground or was killed by the rebels who reportedly gunned the two parachutes).
According to the Turkish authorities, the Russian plane was warned 10 times in 5 minutes while it approached the boundary with another Su-24, before it was engaged.
The violation was extremely short: flying at 19,000 feet, the Fencer crossed the Turkish airspace for 17 seconds. While one of the Fencers egressed towards the Syrian airspace, the doomed Su-24 was hit by an air-to-air missile (AIM-9X, based on the Russian report that mentions an IR-guided weapon; other sources suggested it may have been an AIM-120). Fighters move fast. 17 seconds is a long time in that context. Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,529
11/24/15 11:24:54 PM

cutting a corner gets you shot down? good to know
if they were only flying accross a 2 mile loop how can the turks say they warned them 10 times in 5 minutes if they were in turkish airspace for 17 seconds? think about it.
There is a loop of turkey approximately 2 miles wide and a few miles long in that area. Yes the russians were wrong to cut accross that loop but a wing to wing escort would have sufficed. Turkey likes to shoot first and whine about consequences later.
Just hope the russians have more sense than the turks and avoid the area. Otherwise it will be bad
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,535
11/25/15 12:15:47 AM

I hope Erdogan gets some sense, but Putin knew the risks.
Putin's power depends on being BMOC. He expects everyone to back down when he confronts them. He needs to learn that he can't dictate terms everywhere. Him learning that lesson sooner rather than later is a good thing. (If 2015 can be called "sooner", that is.) But similarly with Erdogan. I was hoping that the Turks would have cut his parliamentary seats rather than increasing them. He still doesn't have a large enough majority to do what he wants with the constitution, but he won't give up. He's a dangerous man... Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,537
11/25/15 12:54:32 AM
11/25/15 12:55:06 AM

yup two whack jobs and we have an alliance with two of them to cover there asses
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer

Edited by boxley
Nov. 25, 2015, 12:55:06 AM EST
Post #406,532
11/24/15 11:31:24 PM

Those two deserve each other
As they're both busy not-shooting Daesh and using the situation for internal political purposes.
I guess the next step will be for that Russian missile cruiser to open up on something inside Turkey and Erdogan will have a chance to test out his Harpoon clone :-/
Just hoping the rest of NATO manages to stay out of this mess.
Post #406,546
11/25/15 12:48:42 PM

Don't drink the Turk Kool-Aid.
A US official who spoke to Reuters claimed overnight that the Russian jet's heat signature showed it was hit inside Syrian airspace when it was shot down after briefly entering Turkish airspace - agreeing with Russia's analysis.
But Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeated Turkey's claim that the jet was in Turkish airspace at the time it was hit in direct contradiction of the US analysis. there's this: Syrian fighters destroyed a Russian helicopter with a missile, shortly after they forced it to make an emergency landing in a nearby government-held area in Syria's Latakia province on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
A Syrian insurgent group, recipient of U.S. Tow missiles, said its fighters hit the helicopter with an anti-tank missile while it was in the air and put out a video showing the helicopter being blown up after one of its fighters struck it with another missile.'s the video: And of course, "God is Great" can be heard on the video. Yep, Assad is the evil one in this fight all right.
Post #406,547
11/25/15 1:00:13 PM

Assad has killed an order of magnitude more than Daesh...
Post #406,548
11/25/15 1:25:52 PM

If we topple Assad now, ...
in the usual US planned way (i.e. absolutely *no* exit strategy and no decent throne heirs to pick from) you know what Syria will look like. It will look like Iraq, Egypt, Libya and the rest of the "Arab Spring" states. This is, it will be assimilated by Daesh.
Post #406,497
11/24/15 2:01:51 PM

Interesting analysis Russian planes crossed into NATO airspace in the Baltics, as they did in several incidents last year and this year, NATO jets responded by scrambling to intercept the flights — and in one incident even came within mere yards of a collision — but never fired on them.
Russian officials can tend to see all of NATO as a unified block, and they may have concluded from these Baltic flights that Turkey wouldn't fire on them, either.
Turkey is different. Its foreign policy is, depending on your perspective, either unusually assertive or unusually reckless (or both). This is especially true in Syria, where it has long been involved in aiding the flow of rebels who are fighting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
Turkey is also at war with Kurdish groups at home, and has bombed Kurdish rebels in Iraq. It has bombed ISIS some, but only sparingly; while it does not support the group, it is not particularly focused on fighting it.
All of this is to say that while Moscow may believe NATO controls Turkish military actions, in fact there has been significant disagreement between Turkey and its NATO allies over Middle Eastern military action, and Turkey has been more aggressive than its allies would like.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #406,504
11/24/15 2:58:52 PM

escalation, Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva, equipped with the ‘Fort’ air defense system
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,508
11/24/15 3:32:56 PM

Seen elsewhere:
"In Soviet Russia, on Thanksgiving turkey shoots you!"
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #406,509
11/24/15 3:36:38 PM

rofl. Thanks.