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New Carson: I'll intensify the war on drugs.

Glenn Beck: Do you continue the War on Drugs?

Ben Carson: Absolutely.

Beck: You do?

Carson: I intensify it.

Beck: Let me ask you a question. I mean, it doesn’t seem to be working now.

Carson: Yeah, well, go down to the border in Arizona like I was a few weeks ago. I mean, it’s an open highway. And the federal government isn’t doing anything to stop it.

Beck: Okay. Legalize marijuana?

Carson: I disagree with it.

The implication seems to be that the federal government isn’t trying very hard to interdict drugs coming across the Mexican border, or that the double border-fence that Carson advocates would somehow make the War on Drugs a winning proposition.

In fact, multiple federal agencies spend billions trying to interdict drugs flowing in from Mexico, and even if the Great Wall of China stretched across the whole southern border the black market in illegal drugs would continue to thrive. The federal government is not even able to keep illegal drugs out of maximum-security prisons.

Clown. And yet he's beating Trump in some places according to some polls... :-/

New You guys. You crazy guys.
I know our politicos are a bunch of weaselling chiselling grasping lying shits, but good grief, they can't hold a candle to yours for sheer highly-educated dogwhistling fuckwittery.

Thankfully, your next President will be Hillary Clinton. Who, although being undisputably crafted from Pure Evil™, does at least have a tenuous grasp on reality.

Carson's my current pick for "see? You can be a doctor and a complete fucking idiot at the same time!"
New YMMV, but ...
having worked in a medical reference lab for three years, then hospitals for six, then in the health insurance industry for about seven, I never doubted you could simultaneously be an idiot and a physician. On the contrary, I was inclined to believe the former was a pre-requisite for the latter.
New Re: You guys. You crazy guys.
Yes, well thanks for loaning us John Oliver - he's doing a bang up job pointing this stuff out. Now my fave current events show.
     Carson: I'll intensify the war on drugs. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         You guys. You crazy guys. - (pwhysall) - (2)
             YMMV, but ... - (mmoffitt)
             Re: You guys. You crazy guys. - (TB D)

No, you didn't. You came here for an argument!
55 ms