Not a lot of people know this but the recommended practices from the FDA !and! Agriculture Canada are that farmers spray Roundup on their wheat 5-7 days before harvest, because it dessicates the plant and reduces wear on the equipment (combines etc).
This is considered perfectly safe because humans "lack the metabolic pathways to be affected by glyphosate" so it's okay that something like >98% of all wheat and food products made from and/or with wheat are contaminated with it. The problem is that a substantial sub population of your gut biome do have those metabolic pathways.
So... eat wheat, get an upset tummy... not really a surprise when you are selectively poisoning those critters in your gut that digest your food for you.
The timing is right too. The practice became common right around the same time that people started complaining about gluten. Given my complete lack of faith in our media, I personally think the gluten sensitivity thing was brought up to distract people from the real reason they suddenly found that the bagels fucked their stomachs up.
This is considered perfectly safe because humans "lack the metabolic pathways to be affected by glyphosate" so it's okay that something like >98% of all wheat and food products made from and/or with wheat are contaminated with it. The problem is that a substantial sub population of your gut biome do have those metabolic pathways.
So... eat wheat, get an upset tummy... not really a surprise when you are selectively poisoning those critters in your gut that digest your food for you.
The timing is right too. The practice became common right around the same time that people started complaining about gluten. Given my complete lack of faith in our media, I personally think the gluten sensitivity thing was brought up to distract people from the real reason they suddenly found that the bagels fucked their stomachs up.