Our kultur long ago decided that it was OK--re every. one's. health, survival--to invoke the famous highwayman koan, Your money/or your life! {mofo.. implicit} Proliferation of tony knock-off clinics, all For-profit, with spoils going to the Eye-of-each-pyramid ..and a big ETC. is what we wrought, via accepting the ethics-free umbrella of the overriding vulture-nature of our capitalist national religion.

Statistics ain't got no ethics either: an acceptable #crashes/company/decade [or aircraft-model?] is the 'bar' which apportions the spending; decisions all made in the mentioned, wealthy-already Eye of the Org. As scoenye reminds, the 'amiss' undercurrent has already been there. Nobody has a nice model of a litmus test for those of whom Much is expected, [simply: Perfection] while Pay and equally-important Epaulets are withheld.. (in some cases, even decent food and shelter is not affordable): after you land that multi-$M machine with its multi-$B cargo-of-Liabilities. Many here have seen skits about the double, triple-bunking of crews of less-than-Iconic marques; corollary to each of these skits: how many of these Live sleep-deprived/thus WORK sleep-deprived? ..most working-days of any year. Have a nice/cheap/safe Flight; pick-any-two. (BONUS: If flights cost lots more.. and soon: there will be less lethal pollution/day too.)

So.. you know.. (right?) the Real-mofos, those who apportion via an early-inculcated Zero-sum concept of life-itself? will--even now, 3+ days after this kid Lost It!--see any next expenditures in terms reduced to two aspects:

1) We have to spend PR money Now! to sell reassurances/thus appearances that: we *will* 100%-spot any next clone {yaShure..}
2) Every dollar, Euro, Guilder of that comes directly out of my Second-Veyron piggy-bank, so we will-not overspend on the above.

(I labor here to withhold my feelings about the Master-Gamers of All systems; those who, currently control most actions that ever cost over a couple million zlotys, planetwide); all know that such-as-these give nary a Shit about the truthiness in yours, scoenye's remarks. They care-not a Shit even whether the planet can maintain, so long as they die-first with more Stuff than can be inventoried in a fortnight. (What do we always do, once a pestilence has been positively I.D.'d and the news finally penetrates avge-grade jelloware? Fingers crossed.)