but for the moment, the massively-nested algorithms are unfathomable by human jelloware: in any realistic time frame for decisions.
We have to rely on homo-sap final Deciders, for an unknowable time-frame.
While we're awaiting the First truly comprehensible Fail-Safe Source Code, I aver that: FEELING what is happening, immediately! beats all [word]-exchanges: for deciding whether
you need to cold-cock a loonie sitting next to you? and fly this thing out of trouble or ... just TELL HIM/HER why you are bloody-sure it is a Mistake.
And then cold-cock if you get back gibbering Ć’eare-filled nonsense.
We may get "there"; we sure Haven't Yet.
We have to rely on homo-sap final Deciders, for an unknowable time-frame.
While we're awaiting the First truly comprehensible Fail-Safe Source Code, I aver that: FEELING what is happening, immediately! beats all [word]-exchanges: for deciding whether
you need to cold-cock a loonie sitting next to you? and fly this thing out of trouble or ... just TELL HIM/HER why you are bloody-sure it is a Mistake.
And then cold-cock if you get back gibbering Ć’eare-filled nonsense.
We may get "there"; we sure Haven't Yet.