Modrin techno to the rescue:
1) Ya finds local collector of every shiny-Shiny: thus has a 3-D printer. (Or 3 or 4--gotta keep up.)
2) Ya does a few simple calcs (wall-thickness desired of the plastic) to withstand weight of desk + anticipated horiz. shear-force
(via clumsily tripping over the elevated 'desk', after a vodka-making evening.)
3) input end snugly fits the leg-shape; bottom shape to taste (or leave it tastelessly roundish/squarish.)
4) Pay the man; install 'leg' prostheses, (Admire the 1 minute installation job.) Continue to fight AGW, etc.
[Conslutant fee: waived. Yer Welcome.]
1) Ya finds local collector of every shiny-Shiny: thus has a 3-D printer. (Or 3 or 4--gotta keep up.)
2) Ya does a few simple calcs (wall-thickness desired of the plastic) to withstand weight of desk + anticipated horiz. shear-force
(via clumsily tripping over the elevated 'desk', after a vodka-making evening.)
3) input end snugly fits the leg-shape; bottom shape to taste (or leave it tastelessly roundish/squarish.)
4) Pay the man; install 'leg' prostheses, (Admire the 1 minute installation job.) Continue to fight AGW, etc.
[Conslutant fee: waived. Yer Welcome.]