Major victory for the bees: Ontario moves to restrict neonicotinoids.
Emphasis (not really needed.) "58%" ... um is that, like more or less than half?
(EPA just gave Dow Military Ag Division the green light for their most toxix yet "weed"-killer laced nostrum.. If weed means: whatever Dow claims it means.
Is Canadian science better than dis-US's? or are their Pols just less inclined to choose $$-profits over luxuries ... like eating non-processed food-like substances?
'Course too if the Teapartiers hate Canada too.. then we may never get a round tuit.
Carrion.. not much fruit or vegetables in it, usually, just hormone-laced meat stuff.
The Canadian province plans to phase out 80 percent of the bee-killing pesticides by 2017
Canada just took a major step toward protecting the environment. It’s not often you hear that. But not only have our neighbors to the north just joined Twitter, Ontario has officially become the first jurisdiction in North America to restrict the use of a class of pesticides implicated in the mass die-offs of bees.
The Ontario government Tuesday laid out a plan for protecting the pollinators, CBC News reports, which includes reducing the use of the chemicals, known as neonicotinoids, 80 percent by 2017. The new rules could go into effect as early as next summer.
The news comes after a particularly brutal winter for Ontario’s bees, a record 58 percent of which died. According to the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association, which celebrated the new restrictions, that’s three times the average die-off rate in Canada’s other provinces. Ontario’s environmental commissioner, Gord Miller, said there’s “abundant evidence” linking the deaths to the planting of corn and soybean seeds that had been treated with neonicotinoids.,
Emphasis (not really needed.) "58%" ... um is that, like more or less than half?
(EPA just gave Dow Military Ag Division the green light for their most toxix yet "weed"-killer laced nostrum.. If weed means: whatever Dow claims it means.
Is Canadian science better than dis-US's? or are their Pols just less inclined to choose $$-profits over luxuries ... like eating non-processed food-like substances?
'Course too if the Teapartiers hate Canada too.. then we may never get a round tuit.
Carrion.. not much fruit or vegetables in it, usually, just hormone-laced meat stuff.