Methinks that this little band of Brothers-IF-you're Perzacly-LIke Me is just another illustration that, most people Cannot juggle three-ideas-at-once, (or, most: ..even two) like:

Politics ... Philosophy ... that Social-ism which IS the Root of the word Society ... as in Duh.
(Throw in anything like Money, too: brains-go-Dark. Especially in places where more-More-MORE is the dominant religion.)
These cannot even see a 'child' as being a. child. Their emotional-centers are dulled-into-mush by millions of daily Hate-koans delivered direct-to-brain (via Pros and their $$$.)

(My biker-cohorts of yore never had to answer the Question:)
Well, chaps, what'll it be today: mindless destruction or senseless violence?

Today's rich-Bikers bring along all their dueling-mindsets: mostly induced via Affluenza, narcissism and the petulance of both.
What did you expect?