I never got Dylan or The Dead.
And this list is basically "those musicians that other people revere, but whom Peter thinks are unlistenable shit".
I can't be arsed with The Rolling Stones, either. Awful, awful guitar sound and a hideous voice.
And the Beatles? Yeah, thanks a lot, you Liverpudlian gits. You - yeah, you - caused Oasis.
ETA: This jibes with my theory of The Classic Rock Event Horizon. For me there are certain aarteests who I will never be old enough to enjoy. There's no logic to it; Springsteen is perpetually 10 years too old for me, yet I'm quite OK with most of Led Zeppelin's output (although HotH was a load of bollocks).
ETAA: The oldsters have got their panties in a mighty, mighty knot in the comments.