So, I've been diagnosed type 2 diabetes for a while (5+ years,) probably a lot longer really.
On January 7th, 2014, Doctor lays the law down and says if I don't get my A1C under control (under 7 reliably)... I'll go blind from it and not from the other thing mother always told you was gonna do it.
Sends me to Diabetes specialists... they take me off all meds except 1000mg/2/d Metformin and add Victoza 1.8mg/day injectable.
Side effects from the Metformin I'm used to since I've been on 2000mg/d already... Victoza is known to cause nausea and accelerated loose bowel movements after eating, especially carbs.
Victoza also has a hormone in it the small intestines produce when you've eaten. It is called GLP1, om Victoza it is 7-10 times more potent than what the body produces. It nearly/completely surpesses any feeling of hunger or even want to eat.
I've been doing Zumba for about 6 weeks now... yeah, imagine that picture. Now... imagine it is the only thing that has been able to get my heart rate up and getting into cardio zone... and it is very hard to do right and keep up the pace.
Now, imagine this, I am off carbs... all except for about 30-60 grams per day... the rest is all proteins. Though, I only am eating about 6 ounces of cooked meat per day or 12 meatballs with Vodka sauce on them, plus plenty of water and 0 calorie drinks.
January 7th, 2014, I weighed in at 301# (21.5 stones, 136.5 Kilo) (Hi Wade!)
Today February 25th, 2014 (7 weeks) I weighted in at 277# (19.79 stones, 125.65 Kilo) (Hi Wade!)
Doctor says my next checkup in April... If I keep the weight loss going at 4# a week... it is fine. Until I get to about 235#... then we gotta slow it down. Until then, go nuts!
Zumba isn't as girly as many think it is... a lot of Firemen locally are doing it, as are a few Policemen. Plus... it actually is fun. It isn't a workout like you would do traditionally and because of that the HOUR goes exceptionally fast.
Now as far as my Blood Glucose Levels(BGL), they are hovering about 200 the entire day (thank you over active liver,) which is still far to high... but as my weight comes off, that is expected to come down. That should also be reflected in my A1C.
One thing I've noticed though, is drinking beer... my BGL goes sky high... up to 500. Drinking hard liquor, my liver seems to forget about delivering Glucose to the bloodstream... and my BGL the morning after drinking 3-6 Long Island Iced Teas is about 130 (+-20)... So, as with everything Doctor said: Everything in moderation, including moderation.
So, getting trashed on LIITs once a week is A-OK with him, as long as I have a designated driver. I married my wife for her Designated Driver skills... dontchyaknow.