The right in Britain is conservative in thinking, wanting no change to the status quo they believe was Britain in the time of the British Empire. Of course, their view requires themselves to be wealthy capitalists with a seat in the House of Lords to prove it - certainly not one of those lazy, dirty people that have to work for them or face immediate sanctions and penury. Women in the kitchen, poor people in the workhouse (or despatched to Australia) and foreigners somewhere else.
Then we come to nationalists - patriots if you are of an American-dream type of disposition. They see the cause of their importance entirely wrapped up in the flag of the country in which their mother gave birth to them. Anyone not born in their own country is obviously inferior to them and deserving of everything that might befall them.
Next we get to fascists, who are merely nationalists that like to impose their self-importance on others by bullying or, preferably, by state (their state) sanctioned aggression and torture. Wearing of uniforms is de rigour, as are aggressive-looking flags meant to look big, butch and tough.
Then we get to what popular parlance still describes as nazi. This is someone that believes the way their country should be run/controlled is exactly the same as a fascist, but takes the whole idea of their self-importance one step further by hating and wishing harm on anyone they can see (or even just imagine) is not exactly the same as they are. Different colour, different language, different religion, different sexual persuasion, different education or different ideology all mark you out as someone that "deserves" to suffer and be thrown out, or away, especially if you are more intelligent than they fear themselves to be.