is harder; as to 'microscopic', as estimate--all here are aware that it isn't just the NSA who collects data--for biz, politics and ... whatever Anyone will finance.
And next massage, fabricate-from etc.
I hope you Are right re μ
But the problem isn't just.. that always there have been cranks, nor that many people don't know how to 'argue' with the people-who-are-Certain!!ONE11
(Certainty I deem a pretty reliable litmus for: emotional-based view to the exclusion of all rational discourse.)
My concern is, simply: whether much more/of peripheral nature? might be becoming 'organized' quite beneath usual radars.
When biz or Pols, (both aware that an emotional contact must precede any serious swaying of POVs)--begin (began??) any move to mechanize, for all obvious reasons of Efficiency..
Then methinks that there are no Experts in creating huge extrapolations from say, the '30s Mastery-level' of the Nazi machine.
Nor, necessarily Experts at divining: "How's it Going?"
One need not go all Chicken Little, but as always:
the ostrich's position is both vulgar and vulnerable.