{{We are sooo incurably ANTHROPOmorphic..}}
They are recently aware of humanoids (my UIT does not deal in histories.)
They are assessing their expected evolution (a local concept the UIT folds-in but is neutral about.)
[It appears that they communicate by entwining.. sorta a local Vulcan-mind-meld thing?]
Worried, they ponder Taking Steps that no er, 'fork?' occurs in any next morphing ... such that:
They could possibly ever end-up like US.
[The UIT does presume that 'logic' is universal--except within a certain% of Our species.]
Corollary (?)
Perhaps if we choose to morph in Their-->Direction .. ... .... .....
we might extirpate the bug in our genetic code that seeks seppuku, thus escape our fatuous fate.
Worth a try? Whadda we got ta lose?