Sure, when going to university ("college", for the Yanks), people are liable to want to see the world modeled in simple and straightforward terms. An explanatory model that absolves us from being "wicked" for indulging in (what to such a young person would appear as fundamentally innocent) enlightened self-interest is of course all the more likely to be seized upon. The fact that market forces and the micro economy actually do work somewhat like Smith deduced and youthfully naive right-wingers imagine is and remains true; to pretend that this were totally untrue just because the young firebrands manage to make total inhuman prats of themselves in their eagerness to embrace a straight-forward and "rational" model of the world is churlish in the extreme. We've all been young and stupid.
It's only if they're still Randroids when they're over thirty that it's justified to declare them total fucking "morans" and sociopaths.