They *selected a president*. And did so in violation of (the 5's) oft-stated Vast Principles\ufffd re states' rights and other bulwarks of their mindset. A non-sequitur in their previous march towards Repo uniformity everywhere.
Nope - simply suggesting that Someone will be offended, no matter what they do: won't whitewash this atrocity.
As to Right-to-Life and other doggerel slogans one could mention: there *IS* no solution to a slogan which advocates:
A) Citizenship (ergo 'Rights') for zygotes OVER human host!
B) Death penalty for actual adult citizens.
Slogan is an oxymoron, ergo: could never be resolved, except via cant. (Which is the usual result in Murican banal non-debate via sound-byte and straw warm-puppies or The Cheeeldrun = ~ same)
Nice try, though..