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New Lesson: Don't live in California if you have kids. ;-)
New Wrong lesson.
The lesson is: don't have kids - and don't have anything to do with anybody else's kids (see McMartin Preschool, Paula Pondstone and plenty of guys (mostly dads) still imprisoned due to bogus "supressed memory" cases.

Kids sending adults to ruin is a stateless process, (and there are plenty of other states that have easily exploitable laws too).

I know one guy sentenced to 30 years for patting a 14 year old (fully clothed in ski gear) on the ass, once, in South Dakota.

And if they don't get you legally, you'll be bailing them out of jail, and that couple hundred thousand each to get them through college will get you anyway.

Having kids is just not a rational thing to do.
New Lawyers under the bed and in the bed
>> I know one guy sentenced to 30 years for patting a 14 year old (fully clothed in ski gear) on the ass, once, in South Dakota. <<

There has to be more to that story than that. That is hard to swallow.

Anyhow, the couple in the story should try moving out of Calif. No guarantees the problem won't follow them, but perhaps worth a try.

While we are at it, why not sue the parents of all the drifting gang members causing problems? Why stop with one case? Sue hackers' parents. This can go very far.
New Nope - I read the entire charges.
His sister asked me to read it (before he went to trial) for my opinion. That was the sum total of actual acts charged. I didn't see that they had a case, but it was in the wrong state at the wrong time (repressed memory hysteria, McMartin and all the rest going on) with the wrong DA.

The jury just didn't want this immoral sexual abuse of children in Salem (er, I mean South Dakota).
     anybody know of a good dry warm bridge to live under? - (boxley) - (10)
         Sorry Bill - I've met $20k/mo trailer park developers. - (Ashton)
         The kid's clearly out of warranty... however... - (hnick) - (2)
             Poetic justice at it's finest? - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                 The French perfectly understand homo-sap, in all nuance - (Ashton)
         Lesson: Don't live in California if you have kids. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (3)
             Wrong lesson. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 Lawyers under the bed and in the bed - (tablizer) - (1)
                     Nope - I read the entire charges. - (Andrew Grygus)
         It sounds messed up - (orion) - (1)
             So then, you believe that logic has something to do with - (Ashton)

Where did you want to go yesterday?
39 ms