That wasn't good enough for the Obama Birthers. Even though his mother was a Bonafide US Citizen, it was ignored.
![]() That wasn't good enough for the Obama Birthers. Even though his mother was a Bonafide US Citizen, it was ignored.
Curious. -- PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05 Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C |
![]() |
![]() Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
![]() Thank you, just as I thought all the time.
Side note: How gracious of you, though, never to admit that in so many words. --
Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on (Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.) |
![]() useful tool, as say--should you go into Statesmanship 101--having decided that nothing could be more boring than an MBA in bizness--or worst: Econ.
(Maybe there are other uses for the same shtik, which Box is tryin ta teach us?--but I seem to be flunking the imparseable aspects of that course.) I no Boxetta Stone-henge Extension installed.. maybe? Circuitously, I, Roomba--the badassed robotic Kleener |
![]() already posted that dems will stop him if the primaries wont
Republican Primary will use $CRC , if he makes it thru the primarys the dems will stop him with $CRC arguments. Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
![]() away that you are actually able to write comprehensible English means that gibbershit like the above is even less acceptable? Repuclicans, primaries, Dems, "$CRC"... Bla, blah, gibbershit. Do you even understand *yourself*?!? 'Coz I sure as fucking Hell do not.
The question was: Is the fact that he was born outside US soil enough to disqualify him from the presidency, as you initially claimed, or is it not? "Yes" or "no" will do for an answer, thankyouverymuch. If the answer you provide is the correct one (i.e, "no"), it would be becoming if it were accompanied by an apology (preferably also in English) for your previous inability (i.e, intransigency) to admit as much. --
Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on (Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.) |
note the s at the end of parent Obama born in hawaii, US soil with a US mother is natural born. Cruz born elsewhere with only the mother being US makes him a US citizen but ineligable. Until a court or the senate decides differently the answer is yes, not eligable. Cornell is a reasonable law university. You may apologise at your convenience. Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep